Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tent City

Tent living is still a way of life in Ocean Groves Tent City, it has been since 1870.
I'm not sure how to describe tent living except that it may be the coolest campground around.
It is not just a place to live during the summer, it is a unique lifestyle.
Canvas tents are attached to wooden cottages, the cottage structure houses the kitchen and bathroom,
the front tent part is usually used as a living room/bedroom.
They all have cute little front porches.
The tents go up in May and are taken down in September.

At one time there were 200 tents for every one home, today there are 114 tent homes in Tent City.
If you are interested in reading more about tent living, there is a great article, 
explaining it all a little better here.

- do you think you would enjoy living here, in a tent, for the summer? -


BeachGypsy said...

Those are ADORABLE! COULD spend a whole day there making pictures!

acorn hollow said...

Well I could do those tents! So sweet

Judee said...

They are so beautiful looking. They fit right in with the "Tiny House" phase...

Marie Smith said...

Tent living for me would depend on the mosquitoes. What a unique idea! Our grandkids would love it.

Leanne Coppola said...

I would be so happy in one of those little tents.

DrumMajor said...

I'd love it, assumng the winds were cool. Wish it could be a solution for homeless, but it wouldn't work year round in most places. Linda in Kansas

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Well, that is not the tent city I was expecting! Much, much better.

Bonnie K said...

Thank you so much for sharing! What a fabulous idea. I just love it. I've never seen such a thing. I really appreciate learning about this. I am going to have to look into these. I would love to spend time in one.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

To answer your question, Debbie, o I would not enjoy living in a tent the entire summer, maybe a week or less. Thanks for the link to the article, which I enjoyed reading. We have friends who live in Mt Tabor, NJ, which was also a Methodist meeting camp years ago, but I don't believe they had tents.

Conniecrafter said...

It is an interesting place for sure, I think I could do it for a summer, at least once to just to see how it is :)