The young girls that live next door set up a little lemonade stand.
$ 1.00 for a cup of homemade lemonade...that was a bargain
and on a hot summer day it really hit the spot!
We gave them a five, they gave us a sweet lemonade and a smile.
Aren't they just adorable? They call me Miss. Debbie,
they came up with that on their own and when I hear it, it melts my heart.

Although most have faded, I still have some beautiful Brown Eyed Susan's.

I have a few Hydrangea bushes that continue to bloom.
This picture is from yesterday and the hot pink color really catches your eye.

I found this white moth on my purple Butterfly Bush. It still has a lot of blooms on it.

My yellow Daylilies continue to bloom.

And this Rose of Sharon is growing up through my Jose Lilac Bush,
I am not exactly sure where it came from but it's got to go.

My Knockout Roses

This is one of my Black Swallowtail Butterfly,
I have released so many I have lost track.
They seem to love this fuchsia colored Butterfly Bush
so I usually place them here after removing them from the cage.
Often they take right off, sometimes they will stay for a picture or two.

This is the view from my office window.
The dock pictured is not ours, we never put one in.
We do have 50 feet of water frontage,
all of the properties are pie shaped so the angle of the view is a little deceiving.
My neighbor to the left is not interested in clearing his property and it blocks a bit of our view.

We had an amazing swim in the pool Sunday, it was a perfect day after rain all day on Saturday.
So that's another spin around the property here, I still have plenty of colorful blooms.