The adventure continues on December 7th,
the day after our fun filled and very cold day on the Potomac.
We started the morning with a lovely buffet breakfast.
I am not much of a "buffet, all you can eat" kinda girl.
I am more about quality then quantity,
but this was the only option for breakfast
and it was included with our "package" so the buffet it was.
I was more excited when I saw the stately man behind the buffet
making omelets and there was NO line,
so the buffet started looking a wee bit better.
The omelet was pretty darn good as was the entire breakfast,
so my belly was happy, therefore "we" were happy.
After breakfast we wandered the streets around the resort,
took a few more pictures...
like we really needed more pictures, and again...freezing outside
but it was really difficult to dampen my spirit as we were off to Who-ville!!
We had tickets for noon and tried to go early,
11:30, I was pretty excited BUT once again
we ran into a stately man who was not having any part of that...
"we don't open till noon" he said without smiling"...
you will have to come back then".
Really, I thought, it's 11:30, is that not close enough??
Apparently not, so back outside we went (again it's freezing)
for more pictures.
It was finally noon and time for Who-ville...
hold on to your hats as this. was. amazing.
Time for the pictures...

Chuck and I with the Grinch...
It is 9 degrees inside
they give you those lovely blue parkers so you don't freeze.
I was so excited,
I never buttoned my jacket, or put on my gloves or my earmuffs...
I felt like a kid again!
This was so fun, 2 million pounds of ice sculpted into 10 colorful,
walk through scenes straight out of the pages of Dr. Seuss.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
North of Who-ville
The Grinch's Frozen Lair
The Grinch creating his Ramshackle Sleigh, reindeer and all!
Mount Crimpit
Me sliding into Who-ville
Chuck sliding into Who-ville
Christmas Eve in Who-ville
The Grinch stealing Christmas from the Who-houses
Christmas morning in Who-ville
Christmas morning in Who-ville
Christmas morning in Who-ville, the beef's still frozen
Merry Christmas
Amazing "peeps tree"...made entirely of Christmas Peeps!!
Now that's a lot of pictures!
The end...for now!