Monday, August 19, 2024

I Love Lucy

When we went to see the 
a bonus was that the horses came right past 
Lucy is a national historic landmark at the seashore, she stands six stories high and weighs 90 tons. 
Built in 1881 she is currently 143 years old.
Restored and moved in 1974, you can climb to the top on a staircase in one of Luy's legs.
The staircase down is located in the other leg.
There was a time when you could stay overnight in Lucy, that is not available at this time.

The last time we came we got pictures of us holding up the tusks, 
 we rushed this time and did not get them the way we wanted to.

These 2 pictures are from 2018, this is what we were going for!

She gets her toenails painted every year in July.

This was a super fun day except for the heat.
It was so hot and humid as we waited for the horses, I wish they had events like this in the fall.


DrumMajor said...

I loved seeing the Clydesdales when they came to a local grocery store. Really amazing creatures and their crew. I think the fence got moved farther away from Lucy, and that's maybe why you couldn't hold up the tusks like you did before. Linda in Kansas

Marie Smith said...

I have seen photos of the elephant before but didn’t realize it was in New Jersey. Thank you for sharing, Debbie.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

We have a lot of friends who summer in Margate! Been to Lucy many times. so much fun.

eileeninmd said...

Cute photos of you and your hubby with Lucy the elephant.
Take care, enjoy your day!

BeachGypsy said...

I commented but it said " error"

Breathtaking said...

Hello Debbie :)
What an amazing sight. Lucy the elephant is gigantic and you took fun photos of the two of you fooling around just like little kids. Love it!

Jeanie said...

This is very cool and looks like loads of fun!

Rian said...

That's some Trojan Elephant...

Conniecrafter said...

How fun, it is neat that they have restored these things from the past. I am with you there are so many things I wish they would save for the fall when it is cooler.