Monday, February 17, 2025

Snail Mail

It's so thrilling...
I love receiving a card, a letter to read, or surprise trinkets I can hold in my hands and admire.
With so many ways to communicate with people now,
 little mail comes to the mailbox except bills, I rarely receive any "fun" mail.
So when I do, I really jump for joy.

A long while back, I posted about sending away for spoons, for myself, so I would receive mail.
I was a just a young girl, and still remember the excitement I felt when my spoons arrived.
It's a cute story, if you are interested you can read about it at 

Now...mail is just not as exciting, 
I rarely get anything fun and I never send away for anything so I will get mail...
this past week the post person brought me a several really nice surprises.

My knitting/crocheting friends Leanne and Liz have a podcast, 
I signed up as a Patreon to support them and I gained so much more...
friendship and fun!
We get together over zoom, we chat, we knit, we help each other
and we laugh a lot.
After one year of membership, you get a thank you gift,
this was their way of saying thank you.
Liz made the butterfly bag and it is gorgeous and perfect for me.
She said she thought of me as soon as she saw the fabric.
There were so many wonderful items included in this thank-you "bag".
- journal & pen-
- stitch markers -
- a set of needle caps -
- hand dyed yarn -
- a ceramic butterfly -
- tea -
and of course, the gorgeous, handmade project bag.

I received this beautiful card in the mail from my blogging friend Connie at 
Thanks so much for the warm wishes.

I am a card lover, this card came from the hubs for Valentines Day,
and he makes sure I get one for every holiday.
I have saved every card he ever bought me, 
I even have the ones he sent to me when I was in Nursing School.
- 50 years of cards -

My youngest son Michael is the sameway, I get 2 cards for every birthday.
One sweet and mushy...the other funny!

- Many thanks to Liz, Leanne and Connie -

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday Critters #583

Good morning and Happy Critter Day
Lake of the Lilies is filled with all the ducks that visit New Jersey during the winter,
 and I was so happy to be out and about, camera in hand!

The first three are Redhead Ducks,
they are an attractive, diving duck that are only here during the winter.


Redhead Male duck in front, female behind him.
Sleeping with eyes open!

This is a Male Ring-Necked Duck
From the marking I knew the duck was new-to-me, 
so I took some pictures and checked my book when I got home.
This is the first time I have seen this duck and there were only a few.

Above is a Male American Wigeon
Another of our winter ducks, I see these every year.

This is a Female Lesser Scaup
Another diving duck seen here only in winter.

I think the above and below pictures may be Mottled Ducks
American Black Duck...thanks Eileen

American Black Duck

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, February 14, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Twisted Sisters

I stumbled upon this new bakery recently while out for a drive in Brielle, NJ.
We unknowingly passed by and of course had to turn around for "fomo", "fear of missing out"
I'm so glad we did.

A family run business, founded by two sisters who bake, mom waited on us 
and brother packaged our treats to bring home.
They only opened a few days before so they are still a work in progress,
 but the sweet treats were delicious.

Look at this chandelier...

Coming soon...
a make your own coffee or hot chocolate bar..create/build your own cupcake.

They have cookies, cupcakes, small dessert cups, chocolate covered pretzels and so much more.

They bake cakes for all occasions, 
seasonal treats, promotions and cookies for special occasions such as party favors.

I got this tiramisu cup and it was delicious.
The hubs ordered a cupcake and a brownie, I do not have a picture to prove it.
Such a nice family, I wish them well...
Fun, fruity, filled with lots of color and love stop by the 
Twisted Sisters Cupcakery you will be glad you did!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We Got Snow!!

Last night, we got some really pretty snow...the kind it is fun to take a walk in.
When I went to the door, it was freezing and we opted to stay in and watch it through the window. 

In the early morning hours it started to rain and what was left did not amount to much.
More snow is forecasted for this week, I don't care how cold it is, or how I feel...
I am going for a walk!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I'd Rather Be Knitting

 When I first came home from the hospital, I did not have the strength to do anything.
I had no interest in knitting, which is quite unlike me.

After a few weeks, I picked up my knitting needles and yarn and found they brought me great comfort.
I always have a "stash" of yarn so I started knitting a scarf.
Easy, mindless, Leanne had just made one, shared pictures on instagram and I liked it.
It is knitting only, in the round, like a tube sock making it doubly warm.
"Colorblock Party" by The Lamb and Kid
each block/section was knitted with a different hand dyed Alpaca yarn, all hand dyed by Liz.

There are 5 color blocks, I am on my 5th now...

and may add one more, finishing up with the green.
What do you think?
Three quarters of the way through, my needle broke and I ordered a new one from Amazon.
The needle took longer than expected and my hands were very fidgety... 
so I picked up the blanket I started a year ago and finished it...
it is a long "lap blanket"...and was almost done.

I added fringe using the blanket yarn and a darker gray yarn that matches the couch.
The fringe will look better after I rinse and block it.
I still have to add fringe to the other end.

This is the seed stitch, knitting and purling only, I like the way it looks up close.

I keep track of my knitting projects in this book...
below are the details from the blanket.

I have been able to help the hubs with some of the bookkeeping and finances, he is doing a little more than he usually does and has been a huge help with cleaning and laundry.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Bits & Pieces

 We did not get any snow, I am so disappointed yet I hardly expected it,
we never seem to get what the weather people predict anymore.
There is a 75% chance of snow on Tuesday, the low temperature will be 25, the high 36.
I am not going to hold my breath.

I found this calendar online for $ 35.00 and I thought it was so me...
I also thought it was a tad expensive...and I had my 2025 calendar from Longwood Gardens.
I thought if I waited until the start of 2025, the price would be reduced, and I would buy it then.
No such luck. 
Still I wanted it and so I went ahead and ordered it.
I am not disappointed, it is lovely.
oh....and look at her business card, how sweet is that?!

The calendar is large, the pictures are beautiful, 
and it came with 2 sheets of stickers to memorialize the days that we complete suggested things.

Brooklyn Swenson's calendars, art work and pretty ornaments can be found here...
They are offering 20% off now...but of course!

I have finally ventured out to an eatery, our favorite sandwich shop,
The Beanery
This tree is located by the parking lot and is always decorated for the season or holiday.

The Paperwhites I planted on January 28th are starting to pop open...
here are the first few with lots more coming.

If you follow my blog you know the KC Chiefs are my team...
and unless you live on another planet, you know they lost the Super Bowl last night.
It was not our best game but I have to hand it to the Eagles, they are a great team.

Patrick has 3 Super Bowl rings from past seasons,
 he has worked hard and played extraordinary football for years.
I hope he is proud of that!

I have been trying to cook...

I made a double batch of Chicken Noodle Soup...
we ate half and I froze half.
I have to say it was the best Chicken Noodle Soup I have ever made.

I made a huge pot of beef stew Sunday night and I really enjoyed it.
I ate 1/2 bowl, I am still having trouble eating.

We will have the leftovers during the big snowstorm on Tuesday...
can the heavens please bring me some snow!!

I have been knitting a lot, I will share that tomorrow...
if you are not interested in knitting, please feel free to skip right over me.