Thursday, February 22, 2018

More Knitting Talk - The Chevron Baby Blanket

Have you ever started a project that you just can't "get"?
A few days ago, I started a Chevron Baby Blanket - it is a pretty straight forward knit.
There were a few stitches in it that I had never done before,
but quickly learned on Youtube.
I felt pretty confident starting out, 121 stitches cast on...
"ssk" I have done, I learned "md"...
the rest was knitting, purling and knitting 2 stitches together.
I cast on, knit the first row perfectly, at this point 8 times.
Something is happening when I turn and start row 2
 purling my yarn overs, that's my guess anyway.
All of that said, 
I have tried eight times and I am not sure when you are suppose to just give up.

Those stitches I had never done before, 
I have done them 1000 times now, I think correctly but perhaps incorrectly.

Here's a picture of the blanket, this Chevron pattern is pretty popular now.

Leanne and I selected these colors, she does not know the sex of the baby.

I know there will be a lot of love and support here, 
keep going, don't give up...
but I was hoping to have the blanket done before "it" entered high school.

I could just knit and purl, back and forth...
boring but a blanket, none-the-less...

What would you do?


Wife Goes On said...

I'd keep trying - do you have a more experienced knitter friend whom you could ask? Do you go on ravelry? Sometimes they will have comments that help to interpret a pattern after some people have made it. Let me know if I can help - without being there:-)

Changes in the wind said...

Well I am surprised that you are having this much trouble because you are a excellent knitter. Maybe check out other chevron patterns on ravelry and see if you see a mistake in the one you are using.

Leanne Coppola said...

I need to sit with you and figure this out. It's probably just a simple mistake you're making and I can figure it out for you.

Pam said...

Cool colors...I have never done that stitche. I am your basic straight stitch sort of person...I tend to mess up where I am with other stuff. I know this will look amazing when you are done!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't enjoy making anything...I mean anything...if it is too difficult. So I would use another pattern and enjoy the process! LOVE the pretty colors! Hugs, Diane

Unknown said...

Well I certainly know the feeling. I wish I had a nickel for every pattern I just couldn't seem to figure out. I am afraid I have settled for patterns I know I can do. I am not sure where my eagerness to learn new patterns has gone but it's no where to be seen these days...You on the other hand are an excellent knitter so I image you will figure it out. Do you have a local yarn shop that could help? That's where I run when I get into trouble....

Ruth Hiebert said...

Debbie,you can do this.Your knitting looks so beautiful and so will this baby blanket.

BeachGypsy said...

As good as you are at creating all these pretty things, I am surprised you have any trouble at all. I am always amazed at how you can make all the projects you do. Hope you get it figured out, I would not give up!

Marie Smith said...

Another pattern may be the solution or wait for your knitting guru to assist. Good luck, Debbie.

Karen Lakis said...

Oh goodness - I laughed when you said you hoped to finish before "it" enters high school! What would I do? I guess it depends upon the frustration level. If you haven't reached the point of throwing the yarn across the room and trying to poke someone's eye out with the knitting needle (ummmm, I may be prone to tantrums...), then keep trying. But once someone is about to lose an eye - time for a new pattern.

Farm Girl said...

Well since I don't knit, I would have to buy something. :) I know you will get it Debbie. It will be wonderful I am sure. I do like those colors.

Sally M said...

Keep trying!!!!!! It will work out!!!! Don't give up!!!!

LeAnn said...

Oh, you must keep going. You can do this and the colors area beautiful. I am sure it will work out.
Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way!

Kim said...

Oh yes, you must, must keep trying. You will figure it out. Those colours are beautiful. I am knitting something at the moment and I have unravelled it over and over, this week. So, as I knit my woolly for the upteenth time, I will think of you lovely lady, knitting your beautiful blanket, way up there. =)

Joyce F said...

Keep trying. Enlist an experienced knitter friend for help. Either she will sort it out or she will see an error in the pattern. All at once it will "click" and you will be off and knitting to the end, before the new arrival is too big to use it.

Debbie said...

thank you joyce - i don't know where you found me but thank you for your kind word. my knitting teacher is going to help me on sunday...and leanne, she's the bomb, a real talented and patient lady!!

Debbie said...

thanks sally, for your kind words of encouragement!!

Lisa Gordon said...

Trust me, I feel your frustration, Debbie. I am glad that Leanne will be helping you, but until then, keep at it! I have found that some of the stitches/patterns I have the most trouble with, often end up being just one simple thing that I am doing wrong.

Keep your chin up, and keep us posted, my friend.