Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Yarn Along

On Saturday, my knitting teacher Leanne took me yarn shopping.
Before shopping, we had lunch and it was amazing.
A cute little Bistro in Red Bank and the food was amazing.
Leanne and I both have "good appetites"...
there was no shame and no doggy bags.

We went to Chelsea Yarns and I took a few pictures...

This poster, designed by Leanne.

For me, this is very exciting and something I can't do on line.

And here we are, it wasn't cold out, 
but when you visit a yarn shop, 
you "must" wear something you have made.
Thanks Leanne!!

More yarn talk tomorrow, so if you are not interested, I totally get it.
Skip on by!


Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lãs de todas as cores, gostei de ver.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Marie Smith said...

Such a great place to browse and touch!

Changes in the wind said...

Oh my I don't know how you would ever pick something to buy with so many choices.

Stephanie said...

Oh my, what a delightful shop to visit! I'm sure it's easy to spend hours in there :)

And the photo of you and your teacher is just precious! Hugs!

Leanne Coppola said...

What a fun day!!!! I wish the blanket was going smoother though!!!!!

MarmePurl said...

Beautiful. The yarn and the ladies.

Sally said...

Wow! Debbie, so many beautiful colors. You make me want to start some kind of hobby! :)

Cute pic of you both. So glad you had a good day.


Ruth Hiebert said...

A yarn shop like that would be amazing. I wouldn't know where to start.

Conniecrafter said...

Oh I can only imagine the excitement that going into a yarn store can bring. They sure do have some lovely yarns to pick from, and of course you have to wear something you made, and you both look great, so glad you had a good time. It is so convenient to be able to buy on line but there is just something about going into an actual store that is still great!

Farm Girl said...

What a fun day! I am so glad you remember to take pictures. It looks like a very nice store to shop in and touch all of that yummy wool.
I love your yarn posts so count me in!

Wietrzyk said...

Wonderful view and great yarn :)

LeAnn said...

Wow, I don't think I have ever seen a yarn shop like this one. The photos were lovely of all the yarn and etc. Of course, the two of you with your wraps were the best. Loved your smiling faces. Blessings and hugs!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, sounds like a fun shopping trip with your friend. Cute photo of you two! The shop is adorable, so many yarn colors and I love the cute sheep. It is a rainy day here so I am catching up with some comments. I hope you are well, take care. Have a happy Thursday!

Lisa Gordon said...

I swear, I would be like a kid in a candy store there!
So many beautiful yarns.
I look forward to your post tomorrow, Debbie!

Kim said...

What an amazing yarn shop, all those gorgeous colours! I think I would like to stay there forever. Love the pretty cowl you are wearing Debbie. Sweet photo of you and Leanne.