Sunday, February 25, 2018

Brant Geese

Out and about on one of our adventures, while I was not yet ready to go home...
we happened upon these beautiful
Brant Geese

Similar to the Canadian Geese, 
it is easy to tell them apart, the Brant Geese are visibly smaller and have different markings!



Anvilcloud said...

A brant [sic] new species to me. We don't get much variety here -- either in ducks or geese.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I think the Brant Geese are prettier than the Canada Geese. Great sighting and photos! Enjoy your day!

Marie Smith said...

We don’t have Brant Geese here, Debbie. Thank you for sharing these great photos!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I wonder if they're as territorial as Canadian geese

Sally said...

I've never seen these, Debbie. Very interesting. :)


Farm Girl said...

I have never seen these kind of geese before. They are really pretty too. I love that you have so many different kinds of birds and you know their names. I hope you are having a very nice day today Debbie.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I can really understand the difference from Canada geese from these pictures! (I'm glad you weren't ready to go home.)

Brian King said...

Beautiful! We don't have them here so I've never seen one in person.

Michelle said...

Very handsome creatures!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They truly are beautiful. I have only seen them at great distances, so the markings didn't really show up well.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots!

Kay said...

Those are such beautiful birds.

Conniecrafter said...

Isn't it just amazing all the different types of birds out there for use to enjoy!! Great pictures and looks like it was a lovely sunny day!

Unknown said...

They are surely handsome creatures, Debbie.
I saw our first flock of geese fly over just the other day.
They were flying in a southern direction though. I wonder what this means about our spring?????
Happy day to you, my friend!

LeAnn said...

Wow, I love the photos of the Brant Geese; they are very different from the ones that live across the street from us. The colors and markings are pretty.
We actually have four geese that march around. One is pure white and isn't always with the others. I suspect it is a older one and has a light limp.
Sending hugs your way!