As we were making the turn by Skylands Stadium I noticed an eatery - don't I always - called
It was immediately up for discussion as the parking lot was mobbed.
"It must be a hotspot" I mentioned to the hubs..."hamburgers and hotdogs, that could be fun"!
So we made a plan and decided we would eat there after ICE.
When we walked in, there was a long line - what could be better - a long line = good food,
and yes the place was mobbed.
I chatted up with the guy in front of me, of course,
he made his suggestions, a burger or a hotdog, those where the best.
I wandered around and took some pictures - the decor was amazing!!
This was a display of a miniature Chatterbox, in a glass case, this was really cool.
Inside, there were so many amazing highlights of the "Chatterbox" era.
For a special friend, she knows who she is.
So this place was a score.
It was burgers, hot dogs and fries but the burgers and hot dogs were good.
The decor was really amazing -

Elvis was not in the building, I'm sure - I checked every square inch.

Elvis was not in the building, I'm sure - I checked every square inch.
But his spirit, yes, his spirit was here.
I really loved this place!