Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Critters #563

The Egrets leave this area and head south for winter, smart birds.
I was surprised to see that a few of the Egrets are still here.
We were in Spring Lake and decided to take a drive around the lake.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large, white object...could it be an Egret?

Far off in the lake, standing stately tall, it was indeed an Egret.
I thought they had flown south by now but 
because of my great zoom lens, we are able to get this close to the big guy.

Look at those big feet...
as I started to take my pictures, it started to walk, letting me know he/she knew I was there.

Puffing out...

Speaking out...

The same day I saw another Egret in this swampy area trying to fish.

It's only catch while I was there was a huge feather in its mouth, from it's back.

A stately, pure white, heron like bird, the largest of the Egrets.

I saw several turtles, this one looks like it is clapping...

It was a fun critter day!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


BeachGypsy said...

Love the pictures! We have LOTS of egrets here--- maybe yours fly down to stay with ours for the winter? Lol

RedPat said...

Your pics of the egrets are wonderful. Maybe they are waiting for the weather to improve down south.