Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A "Tale" About a Whale Tail...

 We have walked around Spring Lake so many times and have never see this Dolphin and Whale Tail.
Isn't it amazing how that can happen...
something so beautiful can be "missed" not only by us, but perhaps by many. 
These gardens are in the center of town and they are here every year.
The Whale Tale and Dolphin face away from the main pathway, if they just gave them a spin,
they would face that pathway for everyone to see.

My friend Leanne loves Spring Lake, Lee, have you ever seen the Dolphin and Whale Tail?

These Lace Hydrangeas were gorgeous...

changing from white to pink as they do this time of year.

And did you see that blue sky? It was beyond gorgeous!


DrumMajor said...

That's a really pretty garden sculpture! Cute visitors too. Linda in Kansas

BeachGypsy said...

Debbie you look so pretty in your cute outfit and I love the hydrangea pictures. What a cool idea they made that whale tail and dolphin!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Spring Lake is so beautiful - a lovely place to visit. I'll have to look for the whale tail too!!

eileeninmd said...

The dolphin and whale tail are both cute!
Great photos of you and your hubby.
The hydrangeas are beautiful.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Looks a lovely place to visit, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

All the best Jan

Marie Smith said...

Beautiful in every way! Have a great day!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Now, those sculptures are so cool, looks like you two had fun!

BeachGypsy said...

Please don't close your pool--- I was coming for a swim!!! Ha ha 😂