Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Mixed Bag

 I am not sure if I have ever missed 2 days of blogging when I am well...and I am happy and well.
I enjoyed 6 glorious days with son Mike, that were not without much attention to our moms.
I always like my blog to be upbeat, and I am not going to change that now.
There were a lot of home cooked meals, and dinners out to Mike's favorite restaurants.
Six days is nice, so you get time to cook and time to eat out.

Do you remember reading about this part of Mike's birthday celebration>
If you missed it you can read about it here.

Only a few of Mike's answers to the questions in the balloons were the same as ours.
No matter, it was super fun and I highly recommend doing it, you could even put cash in the balloons.

We played a lot of games.

We hit up Rita's and they had Juicy Pear, my favorite!

The weather cooled down and there were several walks around the reservoir...

and I released so many butterflies I lost count.

More tomorrow...I need to rest right now


Anonymous said...

So pleased you enjoyed six glorious days with Mike.
Your photographs are lovely.
Rest up a while and 'see' you soon.

All the best Jan

Soma @ said...

I like to keep my blog upbeat too. So glad you had such a great time. It all sounds wonderful. Also, beautiful butterfly.


eileeninmd said...

I am glad you and your son had a fun week!
I have never heard of the balloon game.
The weather has been delightful here.
Love the butterfly! Take care, have a great day!

Marie Smith said...

It sounds like a wonderful time with your boy! Yay for family! Enjoy the rest, Debbie.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

You certainly made the most of Mike's visit. Our son is coming to visit soon, we cannot wait!

Leanne Coppola said...

I know you have a lot going on with the moms so I'm extra happy for your visit with Michael. Glad you enjoyed having him home for 6 days!

Linda said...

What a blessed time you had with your son!!

Jeanie said...

That IS a wonderful birthday idea. Loads of fun. I'm always relieved when bloggers miss a day or two because I can't keep up. Right now I can't even keep up with comments. You just hope people understand!

Conniecrafter said...

So good to hear you enjoyed such a wonderful time with your son being home. Sorry that you still had to tend to your mother's but I think it is good for our children to see that.