Monday, September 23, 2024

Longwood Gardens

 I think right now would be considered an off season at Longwood Gardens, maybe more between seasons.
The mums and pumpkins have not yet found their way out to the gardens.
Still there is plenty of color in the gardens and more than 200 park like acres to explore.
We don't usually appreciate the trees and greenery as much as we did today,
the park like atmosphere is like nothing I have ever seen.

The trees are huge and we spent a lot of time guessing how old we thought they were.

This is 1 of the 3 treehouses in Longwood Gardens.
This is the Lookout House, the only one of the three on the main path.

The Italian Water Gardens
There are only a few fountains in this garden.

The Main Fountain Garden 
There is a lot of interesting information about these fountains that can be found here.

This fountain is located in the center of the gardens.

This floor is covered with water...
these last four pictures are showing the water elements in the gardens.
I will show you some more colorful pictures of the gardens.


Jeanie said...

I think garden in-between times often have a beauty and loveliness all their own. You certainly found it at Longwood.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Debbie
Beautiful photos of Longwood Gardens. The trees are beautiful, I love all the greenery! The fern and fountains are gorgeous too. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.