Monday, September 16, 2024

Knitting & More...

 The sweater I am knitting finally has a sleeve, 
and it's growing and there is hope that the sweater will be done in time for my trip to Rhinebeck.
Tradition has it, that when you go to the 
in Rhinebeck, New York
everyone wears a sweater that they have knit or crocheted. 
This is the first time I have a sweater I have knit, 
it was harder than I thought and I am not sure I will ever knit another.
I had a lesson with Leanne and she helped me to understand the pattern and what I was doing.
Thank goodness for her and for Mandy, both have helped me so much!

This is the Weekender Sweater
It is a fun, boxy sweater, with that small detail down the front and the back.

When I would get stuck on my sweater = need some help...
I worked on the Christmas ornaments I have been making.
I had a total of 10 done but I gave one to my sister-in-law the other day.
Her name is Debbie also and I really love her, she came to see me on a day I really needed her company.

My orchid is blooming and I really love this soft lavender color.

These Mexican Sunflowers came from my wildflower garden.
I have so many of them, primarily orange, they go well with my autumn decorations and pumpkins.

I found a great pot for my new succulent.

And most importantly...

my KC Chiefs won last night!
It was a thrilling game, so well played but a real nail biter!


Latane Barton said...

I knitted me a sweater once upon a time. I still have it and wear it sometimes but I never did another. I think your cactus and my cactus are sisters/brothers. They look alike. Yahoo for the Chiefs.

acorn hollow said...

Oh I am going to try to knit a sweater and now I am scared. LOL
And our Patriots lost sadly in over time.

Marie Smith said...

The sweater is looking great! You got this, Debbie.

Jeanie said...

It's a lovely sweater. Well done. And your ornaments are darling!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I admire anyone that has the patience to knit, crochet, or do needlepoint- I have NO patience. Hope you finish your sweater in time!

BeachGypsy said...

Your sweater is looking great! You make so many nice things. Have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Debbie,
Your sweater is looking great. Pretty ornaments and the orchid id lovely. I love the pot for your succulent. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Conniecrafter said...

That's great you almost done with your sweater, it is looking great, good for you for sticking with it. Your ornaments are looking great and I am so glad your SIL was able to come at just the right time!
Flowers are beautiful, I have a few that fit well with Autumn too, fun to bring them in. So love the pot for your succulent, that is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I do like those Christmas ornaments.
I actually bought a pack of charity Christmas Cards today!
I've made a start on Christmas!

All the best Jan