Saturday, June 4, 2011

Best Fed Birds.......

Gray Catbird

This picture is for TexWisGirl at Run-A-Round Ranch
because these are her favorites and she doesn't see them in Texas!!!!

Linking to Your Sunday Best


Ruth Hiebert said...

A handsome visitor like this one is worth feeding.

Susan said...

He's having himself a real Sunday feast :D) Delightful pic.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

What a great shot! Love bird photos! :)

Unknown said...

That is a wonderful capture! so crisp and clear! and cute!

Anonymous said...

How adorable.

Linda said...

Terrific shot!!

Teresa said...

Great shot!

TexWisGirl said...

Oh My Goodness! He or She is PERFECT!!! What a beautiful bird in a perfect pose. Thank you!!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

you can see the little 'hairs' under his chin! :)

Debbie said...

thanks everyone!!! i loved his little red undercarriage!!

t....i knew you would love this...i took it just for you. i keep telling them to fly down to texas and pay you a visit!!

have you seen any yet?!?! haha

LBB said...

Your so sweet :) Great shot!!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Well caught. I have never seen or heard of a catbird before.

bon bon said...

love it! caught him with his mouth full. :o)

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

Great picture! These guys are fun to watch. Unless your a cat.

joco said...

Hiya Debbie,
Looks remarkably like a blackbird to me.
You will have to edit it with a purple background :-)

Lou Belcher said...

Nice shot of him....


Unknown said...

Hi, I just landed here from the Sunday Best Photo Challenge. I'm a brand new follower.

I admire the quick fingers it took to snap this photo. Absolutely great shot. So nice that you zoomed in to capture so much detail.

Bella Vida by Letty
Have a great weekend.

Nancy said...

Absolutely love catbirds, Debbie. My mom has one that hangs around her back deck and I love the sound it makes.

Super photo -- I'm jealous! :) Thanks so much for sharing at YSB this week.

Pat said...

Great shot!

Anonymous said...


via Your Sunday Best

Light Trigger

Laura lok said...

great shot

Kelly said...

Ahhhh...what a cute photo. I love Catbirds too...never get to see enough of them!