Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Lazy Days

 Every so often, I have a lazy day...they are not just for summer you know.
A lazy day almost always involves some knitting.
I just found out my niece who lives in New Zealand will be visiting around the holidays...
so I started this February Hat to gift to her while she is here.
I thought it would be a great gift for her, something she can use,
 and it will be easy for her to fit into her suitcase to bring back home.

Knitted with 100% Baby Alpaca yarn, hand dyed yarn by Liz, the color is All Together.
The pattern is by Kate Gagnon Osborn who released a free hat pattern every month, 
this is the February Hat.
The brim looks ridiculous...I read the pattern wrong but rather than rip it out, 
it can be folded up for extra warmth ~ says my knitting teacher extraordinaire ~ 
turned great friend, Leanne.
The hat has a very detailed pattern to it which you can see in the second picture.

A lazy day almost always involves a ride to the Point Pleasant Inlet...watching the boats come and go.
On this beautiful November day, 
I was surprised at how many boats we saw, most boats are out of the water and winterized by now.

These two boats were coming in...

This boat was heading out into the ocean.

Lazy days might include a drive around Lake of the Lilies.

My Kansas City Chefs had a buy this past weekend,
everyone in my house was very sad about that!

I like when my Hydrangeas look like fall.

We have had some really pretty sunsets 
and I have been trying to make time to take some pictures with my new camera.

I made this Brown Butter and Parmesan Risotto and it was delicious!


Hena Tayeb said...

Wonderful to have your niece visit. That is a gorgeous color for yarn.. she will love the hat.

eileeninmd said...

It is nice your niece will be visiting. The hat is looking pretty, I like the yarn color. Great captures of the boats. The Parmesan Risotto looks yummy.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Marie Smith said...

The risotto looks delicious! Love the colour of the hat, Debbie. I folded back a mistake in a cap I knit years ago. It is my warmest and favourite cap.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Lazy days in the fall or winter for me would include a fire and a book. I love those boats, I would take either of those first two.
The hat sounds awesome!

Kay said...

Your photos are absolutely incredible, Debbie. I love the colors of your hat. Your niece will love it!

DeniseinVA said...

Very pretty knitting color. I look forward to seeing the finish :) Lovely your niece will be visiting. Loved all the photos as always. Thanks Debbie!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh that is wonderful you will see your niece again and I am sure she is going to love a hat that her Aunt made for her so lovingly :) Your hydrangeas look wonderful in the fall too!
you captured some beautiful sunsets for sure!