Thursday, March 20, 2025

It Must Be Spring...

 little surprises are popping up from the earth everywhere.
The sun shines longer and brighter, the air smells so much fresher and cleaner, as winter grip loosens.
My thoughts are swirling with the things I want to do and the places I want to go. 
Cleaning up the yard and planting the summer garden...
it is time to make the Spring Bucket List.

All I have for today are these beautiful Crocus, growing all about the yard.
The color, no surprise there.

- bye, bye "flu" you will not be missed -


Rian said...

Love your pics, Debbie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

How fortunate you are to have all those wonderful spring flowers and in your an my favorite color as well, Debbie!

Latane Barton said...

Beautiful crocus! A sign of spring for certain.

acorn hollow said...

So lovely we are still brown and muddy with patches of snow.

Marie Smith said...

Gorgeous. The colours are so rich!

BeachGypsy said...

So glad you're back Debbie!! Yay!-- you're feeling better. .love those crocuses--- don't you wish they'd bloom ALL SUMMER!

Jeanie said...

You say "that's all!" But boy, that's a lot! I don't have any crocuses in my garden but in any event, they wouldn't be up yet anyway! So I love seeing them here.

The Happy Whisk said...


The Furry Gnome said...

What beautiful Crocus!

Conniecrafter said...

Your crocus is so pretty, I need to get out in the yard and prepare everything for the spring planting myself.
I take it you are just getting over the flu too, I think you have geen through enough. Hopefully the spring will keep all the sickness away.