I have just been puttering around...
watering the garden...
filling the bird baths and feeders...
cleaning the caterpillar cage...
I try not to clean but alas, it must be done.
Hydrangeas from my garden.

The combination bird bath/planter I made last year
is holding up really well.
The birds drink this water, it's not really deep enough for a good bath.
The vincas planted around it are growing well,
I really like this color against the yellow planter!

The combination bird bath/planter I made last year
is holding up really well.
The birds drink this water, it's not really deep enough for a good bath.
The vincas planted around it are growing well,
I really like this color against the yellow planter!

Here is a picture of my calendar for July, it is pathetic.
Today is July 9th and I do not have one thing written on it.

On July 26th we had tickets for Morey's Pier,
Breakfast In The Sky
Breakfast on their Ferris Wheel, it has been cancelled, and I wonder why?
Each family or group of people get their own gondola, outdoor dining is allowed in New Jersey,
so why the cancellation?
I was really looking forward to this.
Then there is work...
it is tax return time, and for us, it is a task we do not look forward to.
Each piece of property we own has separate ownership which equates to a lot of tax returns.
Federal is pretty straight forward, but the state requires three different forms for each property.
It gets complicated, - very complicated -
This is my kitchen counter right now, we have half of the returns done.
- half -
It is a collaboration, myself, the hubs and our accountant.
We have been getting some really fun/cool storms...
I made these Chicken Kabobs for the grill.
Chicken, Red & Yellow Peppers, Red Onion and Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce, they were awesome!
The grilled baked potato was especially delicious too!
Chicken, Red & Yellow Peppers, Red Onion and Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce, they were awesome!
The grilled baked potato was especially delicious too!
We watched this movie that my friend Leanne recommended, it was so good.
Really good, I loved it...
It was, for sure, the best movie I have seen in a long while.
Hello, Debbie
The hydrangeas look beautiful, I like the cute bath and the Vincas. Your meal looks delicious. I have not heard of that movie. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!
You putter beautifully:) Dinner looks wonderful and glad the tax stuff is shared, it always helps.
I can’t imagine such tax forms. I hate doing our two simple ones and always leave them til late.
Cute bird bath and gorgeous hydrangeas!
I'm so glad you liked the movie as much as I did. I loved it!
I love those beautiful flowers .
I am sorry to hear your breakfast was cancelled, if people are seperated I don't know why it would be a problem, but they must have had some reason. Oh wow my husband dreads just doing our taxes, he wouldn't be able to handle all of that, good luck! The chicken on the grill sounds good, I might have to do that soon for a meal :)
Breakfast in the sky - what a cute idea! Sorry it was no longer available, but maybe it will reopen soon. Is that movie on streaming? Netflix, Prime, Hulu?
Simply love your hydrangeas, they look lovely.
Shame Breakfast in the Sky was cancelled, perhaps it will be able to open again soon ...
All the best Jan
Hi Debbie!
Thanks for the movie recommendation; we will look for it. I'm sad you can't have the breakfast you planned. It does sound fun.
Your Hydrangeas are beautiful as always. I do love your yellow bird bath/planter. It is one of the prettiest ones I have seen. I am surprised to see nothing on your calendar. I think tax time is stressful, but I can see from yours; it's beyond stressful. I hope you get it taken care of so you can breath easier.
Your meal looks delicious as always!
Sending loving thoughts your way!
We were landlords for 40 years and I am glad I don’t have to do it any more.
hi ruth, i hope you and chris are well!! so, i know you feel my pain. we are finished now, until next year!! i'll bet you miss eating out!?!?
We sure are!
me too!! i love to cook but 7 days a week is not my thing...i miss dining out!! but we are both well, and so are my boys and that's what matters most. i am lucky to have all of the blessings i have and a beautiful home to be sheltered in!! i hope you guys are well!!
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