Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Yarn Along

The Guernsey Wrap is coming along nicely.
I have started the third and final ball of yarn and in my eye's,
I am coming down the home stretch.

I have knitted and purled 377 rows, 
there are 58 stitches in each row and the wrap is 48 inches long right now.
I have about 82 more rows to complete and it will be finished.
I will then have to wash and block it, blocking it will improve it's final shape.

This is a Christmas present for a friend and it will be done in plenty of time for Christmas.
I have another hat to knit before Christmas and maybe two or three more washcloths.
Good thing I started my Christmas knitting in January
*wink *


Anonymous said...

Your present looks beautiful:)

Kim said...

I know I have said it before, but your Guernsey wrap for your friend is beautiful. Love all the different patterns. I love the last photo......the wrap seems to go on forever.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I think your friend will love the wrap. What a lovely gift. Have a happy day!

Екатерина Балагурова said...

So cosy and warm!

Pam said...

It is coming along so nicely. I love the decoration you added around it for the pic. Nice work.

Stephanie said...

You're quite the lady, Debbie. Your friend is going to be thrilled with this wrap. Every time I see it I think it's even more beautiful than the last time {if that's possible}. Your work is amazing!

Hugs to you!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

That is going to be beautiful!!!!

Pretty little photo vignettes you made...

Jenn Jilks said...

I love your presentation, with the Xmas decor!

Karen Lakis said...

Lucky friend! This is beautiful!

Marie Smith said...

It is gorgeous, Debbie. Your friend is very lucky!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Debbie! It is beautiful.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

I love your wraps Debbie and your friend will adore it!!
Have a fantastic Thursday :)

Judy said...

How many of these have you made?
They are beautiful!

Farm Girl said...

This is so fantastic Debbie. I love that. I am sure your friend is going to be so thrilled.
I love that color, I bet it feels nice.

baili said...

you are so generous friend dear Debby!

you knitted beautiful warp for your friend ,she would love it for sure

Anvilcloud said...

Right now, Sue is waiting for wool to come in for her new afghan. It's supposedly on sale at our craft store but ... She may have to order online somewhere at non-sale prices.

Sally said...

Beautiful! You do such lovely work, Debbie. :)


Sally M said...

You have probably already posted it, but do you have a link for the pattern? It is beautiful. I don't know if I knit well enough, but I love it. Where did you purchase your pattern?

Debbie said...

this is a very easy knit. if you can knit and purl, that is all that is required. the only thing with this wrap, is you have to pay close attention to the pattern BUT with so many repeats, at some point you will memorize it!!

just copy the link, the pattern is on ravelry!! let me know if you need any other help!!!

Unknown said...

This wrap is just so lovely. Wow, it does requre a bit of work; but well worth it. I like that you are doing it has a gift to a friend. Please model it before you send it.
I must get crocheting back into my life or start up knitting again. I used to knit many years ago.
Blessings and hugs!

Unknown said...

So, so beautiful, Debbie!

Conniecrafter said...

Your friend is going to totally love and appreciate all the work you put into this beauty!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Debbie your presentation is just brilliant.
Looks a lovely wrap.

All the best Jan