Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Yarn Along...

I have started a new knitting project.
Yes, you read that right, it's not a typo, I have finally "cut the washcloth cord"
and started something new and beautiful.
- Something for me -
I am so excited to show you what I just started working on...
have only frogged = ripped out, twice...

Harvest Loop by my dear friend Andee Fagan

Here is a close up of the lace pattern...

and a close up of the beautiful yarn.

This is the yarn that son Mike and girlfriend Lila gifted to me.
It is the perfect color, it is ultra soft, and I love how chunky it is.
What a kind and thoughtful gift, from 2 kind and thoughtful people!!


21 Wits said...

This is so lovely! Happy yarning along!

Farm Girl said...

Its so pretty Debbie, I love the color and that is a wonderful lacy pattern, I do love knitted lace.

UplayOnline said...

Happy yarning along!


Sally said...

That's beautiful, Debbie. Love the color. :)


Stephanie said...

Ooooh, the color is stunning, my friend! I can't wait to see the finished product.

Hugs to you!

Leanne Coppola said...

I am knitting a baby sweater with yarn that is similar. I had a little bit of a hard time splitting the yarn at first then I got the hang of it. I'm loving it! Your scarf is going to be beautiful!!! MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam said...

cool knitting

Marie Smith said...

And of course, the colour! Perfect. It will be beautiful!

Linda said...

It's beautiful! Would you believe I am still knitting on my first washcloth?? I made it way too big and it is so flawed and I'm nearly out of yarn and just hope there's enough to finish it! My next project will be a small scrubbie! I'm not giving up!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh that is going to be gorgeous!!!! Love loops. :-)

And I didn't even know that yarn came, in that form. How cool is that??????

Well, since I can't knit, I can beg off, on just plain ignorance. ,-)))))))))

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love the color and the pretty lace pattern. It will be a lovely scarf. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

DeniseinVA said...

How lovely and such a thoughtful gift from Mike and his girlfriend. The color is beautiful. I don't knit and always admire your creations Debbie.

Lowcarb team member said...

Looks a very nice pattern and I love the colour of the yarn too.

All the best Jan

Unknown said...

FINALLY, something for you!!
I love both the pattern and the yarn.
Please keep us posted on this.

Pam said...

Oh...that will be so pretty. Love the yarn and I really love that stitch! Can't wait to see it when it is done! Great job.

Judy said...

It looks a lot complicated to me, but I know you will knit it beautifully.
The color is lovelyl

LeAnn said...

The color of course, is is perfect for you. The pattern is lovely. I can't wait to see you model it when it is completed. Loved it! Hugs~

Prunella Pepperpot said...

It's beautiful and the yarn looks gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished article :)