Monday, August 14, 2017

Please Wash Me Carwash!!

There's a little Car Wash, in the middle of nowhere in
Chester County, Pa.
The owner was quoted as saying...
"we live life trying to find a direct route to happiness"

So he planted some sunflower seeds in the acre of land next to his car wash.
He and 2 buddies...
they began planting 7 years ago and people have started to notice.

My friend Jean posted some pictures on Facebook,
I sent her a message and she encouraged me to go.
She said I would love it and she was right.
We drove 2 hours for this...

We went in the late afternoon, I wanted to see them in the daylight and at sunset.
That was a good plan as it was two different looks.

The town was having a car show about a mile down the road, 
but it was breaking up as we left.
We did find a really cute place to stop for ice cream,
I'll show you pictures of that shop tomorrow.

And was this worth the 2 hour ride, you bet it was...
I enjoy car rides with the hubs and as he said,
"what else do we have to do"?


Prunella Pepperpot said...

Oh my, such gorgeous sunflowers and you both look extremely happy as would I be!!! Well worth the 2 hour drive.
I feel so much brighter and happier now too :)
Have a truly wonderful week!!

Latane Barton said...

Oh my... well, I am certainly glad those fellows planted the sunflowers. What a ray of sunshine in this world today.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, this looks like a great spot for a car ride. I love the sunflowers, just beautiful. You and your hubby are so cute with those sunflower faces. Awesome and fun photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Marie Smith said...

You captured the change in light perfectly and had fun! Wonderful! You look great!

DeniseinVA said...

Car rides are the best and I would drive those two hours for these. The photos of you two are so cute! Love them :)

Sally said...

I love the sunflowers! So many, and so tall. As for car rides, when things were ok at home, it became a ritual on Sunday afternoons to go riding. I'm surprised we liked it seeing as how we practically lived in a car with all the travels as Navy brats. But, I always enjoyed it; seeing new areas and wow has it all changed over the years. :)


Pam said...

Yes...I think that was worth the drive! BEAUTIFUL....did you notice there was a bee on the sunflower over your eye!???

Farm Girl said...

What an awesome place and I would have just loved seeing all of those sunflowers too. I would have drove two hours too. What a bunch of wonderful pictures you got.
I would love to plant that many sunflowers someday.
So glad you and Chuck went to check it out. Have a great Monday Debbie!

Changes in the wind said...

Where would you ever have that opportunity again. So worth the drive and love the pictures you share with us.

Linda said...

It was absolutely worth it! That's the best photo shoot of sunflowers I have ever seen! They are my favorite and I would LOVE to have gone! Next best thing - YOU going and sharing the experience! Y'all find the BEST stuff to do and see!

Adam said...

Wow so many sunflowers

Beside a babbling brook... said...


You are breaking my husband's heart, again!!!!!!! >,-)

First with your gorgeous Hydrangeas!!!


With all these Sunflowers!!!


Because he grew sunflowers from seed. Protected them till they were high enough to plant. Planted them by fence, and 'critters' began to eat them!

So, he put a chicken wire fence around them. And 'critters' still got to them!

Only 2 are growing up. Rest are pretty small. But they are still there!!!


It has been a Quest of his, this summer!!! He is determined to get Sunflowers!!! But the odds are stacked against him.


And THAT, is why you are BREAKING his HEART, again!!!


Hugs, hugs, hug,
Luna Crone

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

In the first moment I figured I'd left with my Husband to Tuscany.
Beautiful sunflower fields.
Greetings from Poland:)

Leanne Coppola said...


Brian King said...

I love sunflower fields! They've done a great job with this one! Definitely worth the trip.

LeAnn said...

My dear friend, I must say that is a very favorite post. I love the field of Sunflowers. I really smiled at all the adorable photos of your hubby and you. You are both so cute. Especially smiled at the photos of you holding the Sunflowers over your eyes; so endearing. You did get a great shot of the bee on the flower. Loved this one; so fun! Sending hugs your way~

Sue (this n that) said...

I love your happy sunflowery post! Gorgeous :D) xx

Cathy H. said...

Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. They just speak of happiness! This sunflower field is amazing and your photos are gorgeous! I'll bet the bees really love it!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful thing they did! Great for people and nature!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The sunflowers add so much cheer to the landscape.

The Furry Gnome said...

A field of Sunflowers is somehing beautiful to see!

Conniecrafter said...

That is so cool that he planted those for everyone to enjoy! I love sunflowers, this would be lovely to see! Love to see your smile and to know you enjoyed the day, we love taking pictures in the early evening, always great light!! Looks like a few people were enjoying the flowers!

Anvilcloud said...

It's kind of delightful, eh? Ours is a lot closer than 2 hours. Maybe I'll go back later in the day/ We shall see.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

yeah, fun and colorful

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Debbie, what a super place.
I've never seen so many sun flowers.
Love your photo's

All the best Jan

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I would drive 2 hours for that in a heartbeat. In fact that field so beautiful I kind of want to take another cross-country trip to find it (oh, wait, no what am I thinking....)... seriously, it is definitely worth a short trip and you know Bill and I love to do stuff like that.

Unknown said...

I LOVE all of those wonderful smiles! :-)
What an amazing place, Debbie.
Thank you for taking us along with you.