Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Just Mom's Ice Cream

As promised in yesterday's post...
today I am sharing pictures of the cute ice cream shop we stumbled on in 
Chester County, Pa. 
Just Mom's Ice Cream -
This was the cutest shop, the decor was all about the 50's...

They also had a small restaurant/deli...

We sat outside, under this umbrella to enjoy our ice cream.

The hubs had mint chocolate chip,

I had a chocolate milk shake - extra chocolatey!



Andy said...

Oh my! Nostalgia is running high in your posting today. Thanks for the memories.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a cute place. I like decor and the pictures. I like both the mint chocolate chip and the chocolate milkshake, yum!

Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

Sandi said...

My son marveled at that pay telephone. It was like showing him a dinosaur!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

What a cool ice cream parlour.
I quite fancy a Death by Chocolate. It kinda sounds like an Agatha Christie murder mystery!
Have a great Tuesday :)

Conniecrafter said...

That is a fun name for the shop :) You two find the fun places to eat when you are out on your adventures :) Love that old pay phone. I think I would probably get a cone with Birthday cake ice cream in it, that sounds good right now, even though it is morning :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Purrrrrrrrrfect 50's Ice Cream and Food place!!!!!!!

You find the cutest places!!!! Such fun!!!!!

Oh did they have an old juke box perhaps? Or even a replica old one? ,-))))))

Luna Crone

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You Lover-of-Purple You!

Bet you will like the PURPLE faerie lights, I found!!!

But now, where to put them???????????


Marie Smith said...

Such a great looking spot! A great find!

Farm Girl said...

How yummy! What a fun place. I would love to visit that place and have some ice cream. I love that picture of the Three Stooges.

Pam said...

Yummy on the ice cream. That is the one thing I have not had since my surgery. I love it though. What an adorable place to get your ice cream. I love how it was decorated. Thank for sharing.

Lowcarb team member said...

So good to see places like this!
Such fun to visit.

All the best Jan

Sally said...

Well, that is just the cutest place ever. I'd like the chocolate dipped please! :)


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is all really straight out of my teen-age years. Won't be too long before nobody remembers that stuff at all :>( .... unless they watch old Happy Days (or Jackie Gleason -- I see his bus) on TV Land or somewhere. Love it all. And now I'm hungry for ice cream. Here in Oregon I don't keep it in the freezer -- we have several shops where we can walk from our apartment and so my theory is if we really want it, we can walk out for it!

Brian King said...

Love the checkered floor, popcorn machine, and payphone! Very cool little place! The ice cream looks wonderful!

Michelle said...

This does look like the cute place. I love their decor.

Adam said...

cute little ice cream place

BeachGypsy said...

I just love little places like this! What a fun decor--and the ice cream sure looks great too. Nope, I didn't get to Woodstock either---(too young)--but my Barbie sure did, because, well, she's BARBIE and she does what I tell her to! ha ha LOL--I did have fun with that post, LOL

Jenn Jilks said...

That is rather fun!!!

Unknown said...

Very cool! (Pun intended ;) )

Unknown said...

Very cool! (Pun intended ;) )

LeAnn said...

Of course, this brings back childhood and teenage memories of the 50's. I loved the decor and the ice creams looks delicious. I would certainly enjoy going to this place. Blessings and hugs for the awesome photos on this one!

21 Wits said...

Oh my, now this is truly a cool twist to ice cream shops! Love it!