Friday, June 28, 2024

Christmas In June

I am in a little bit of a knitting lull, but not a creative lull.

I have been making these little embroidered Christmas ornaments 
to include with the money gifts I give at Christmas time.
To people like my manicurist, my hairdresser, 
my mail carrier (she is such a sweet woman)...people like that.

This is a kit I saw on Instagram and ordered from Homestead & Thread.
It was very inexpensive, and included the patterns and the snowflake designs which were on a water soluble material, Stick and Stitch.
The felt and embroidery thread were not included.

These 3 need to be sewn together with a blanket stitch, stuffed, 
and cording included on top to hang them from.
I am using the "star"...not the heart or circle, I like the star as it is much more Christmassy.
I cut the felt into the shape and then embroider the design over the water soluble pattern.
Once done, you soak it in warm water which dissolves water soluble product.

These 2 were included as a thank-you. 

These are so fun to make 
and I will be so happy in December that they are done.


Danielle L Zecher said...

You're very smart to start working on your Christmas gifts now! It will be here before we know it.

I love those star ornaments, and I think that's such a great thing to include with the money gift. I always love it when someone gives me an ornament. I didn't get to celebrate Christmas as a child, and I'm kind of obsessed with Christmas ornaments now. Those are really pretty! It makes me wish I knew how to embroider.

Marie Smith said...

The ornaments are lovely! You have a good start on the holiday preparation.

Anonymous said...

You are way ahead that's for sure! I have done very little crafting of late

Anonymous said...

I think they look very nice.

All the best Jan

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It's a perfect time to make them and you will be all ready at Christmas. I'm sure they will be appreciated. So cute.

Conniecrafter said...

They are cute and so nice to give something handmade, great job stitching them and yes so good to be ahead of the game :)