Thursday, May 23, 2024

Before & After

It took me a long time, 
a really long time but I am finally ready to do the "" reveal of the living room makeover.
We use this room every day...
You can see a little of what use to be the dining room in the background, it is now our home office.

If you have been reading here for a while, 
you will remember that the husband spilled a can of oil based paint on the carpet in this room.
The paint went everywhere.
With no way to clean it up, the room needed a complete overhaul...
it needed it anyway...the room needed, well...everything,
and this was just the kick in the pants we needed to get started and do it.

So here is the disaster I started with...
We put area rugs over the carpet where he spilled the paint, 
until we could catch our breath and get started.
Those rugs are rolled up in this picture.
We did a complete overhaul, 
the only thing I kept was the coffee table/trunk that pulls up and toward the sofa...
to be use that way when eating.

This is the finished room, I could not be happier!

This chair and the painting pictured below were the last two things I needed to finish up this project.
I didn't rush, I took my time because I knew exactly what I wanted.

And just in case you missed my post finishing up the home office, here are the pictures of that room done.
I think it looks great and functions super well as a home office.
We still own a lot of properties, 
this gives us a very comfortable space to work and a lot of file cabinets to keep all of our records...
there are a lot!

The hubs built us this home in 1984, it sits on an acre of land and a beautiful river.
It's way too big for us now but I have a very deep love and connection to this home.


Leanne Coppola said...

I love how everything came out. I know how hard you both worked on making this space perfect!

16 blessings'mom said...

You aced it! It's warm and bright at the same time, so nice!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

WOW! The room is beautiful!
I love how it feels lighter and more comfortable with your color choices. The chair pillow fabric is stunning! I remember when you got the table desk in your office. It feels like ages ago.
Happy New Room!

Marie Smith said...

Great job, Debbie! Love the new decor!

Rian said...

Debbie, I really like that picture and rug! And I've always believed that rooms should be useful... not just decorative. You did an excellent job. And you are right about your home sitting in a beautiful location on the river.

Soma @ said...

This is lovely! I specially love the home office and those large windows. Enjoy!!


DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, gorgeous! Love everything you've done Debbie, and to think you have a spilled a can of oil-based paint to thank for it. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons. I missed the origins ;) Great job!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

It turned out beautiful, Debbie! Love the soft colors of the furnishings and the walls with the pretty blue in the rugs and painting. Everything is so cozy and elegant at the same time. The floors are so lovely and really make a nice accent to all the creamy colors. The office is amazing, too. I love the new chair and sofa. A labor of love and it shows. Hugs xo K

eileeninmd said...

Hello Debbie,
You did a beautiful job, decorating. The chair and painting are lovely.
I always love a beach scene. Now, it time to enjoy your new space.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Oh Debbie!
I am delighted with your house, room, office.
Everything is decorated very tastefully, elegantly, as if by a qualified interior designer. I see that there is love and happiness in this house.
Have a nice, happy weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Well done on a good job ... it all looks fabulous.

All the best Jan

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This area looks so much lighter and brighter, Debbie, thanks to your choice of colors and layout. It is always a chore to redecorate, but this project looks fantastic. Your home office space looks just as nice and so neat too.

JoAnna said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful post, dear Debbie. You have a beautiful, wonderful house, I really like it after the renovation. Hugs, have a nice weekend.

Conniecrafter said...

It looks terrific, love the pretty carpets you have. So bright fresh and airy! I don't blame you for staying even if it is too big for you guys now.