Sunday, January 5, 2014

Song-ography ~ Unwritten ~ Edition 22

 Drench yourself in words unspoken,

Live your life with arms wide open...
Today is where your book begins...
The rest is still unwritten!
Sharing today's Natasha Bedingfield song with
Kathy at You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
Follow the link, check it out, this is a fun one!!


Jackie McGuinness said...

Great selections for this week's challenge!

Muffie said...

Put your mittens on, girl! You're a brave soul -- I didn't step one foot out the door! I just watched from inside. It'll all be gone soon with today's warmth. Love your photos!

Anonymous said...

Fun! Great way to interpret the song!

Jackie See said...

How brave of you to step outside! You two are having too much fun out there in the cold! I have never seen an evergreen so big, it's just a beautiful backdrop for a couple of beautiful people. It is 4 degrees here with snow blowing and the temperature is still dropping, we are expecting to have a winfchill of -10 tonight. Brrr.... baby it's cold outside!

TexWisGirl said...

you cute snow-shower-lovin' fools. :)

eileeninmd said...

I can tell you really love snow! Wonderful photos, Debbie. They made me smile. Happy Sunday!

kathyL said...

Such joy! Love your shots. Arms wide open for sure!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Debbie. great way to interpret the song.

Simon said...

This radiates joy and a great match for the song. I tried to do a snowflakes on the tongue shot the other day and ended up with only camera up the nose. Well done.

Ela said...

How wonderful to see happy people.
Lovely photos, greetings

Beth said...

The photos are a perfect match for the song!

DeniseinVA said...

Now these photos make me smile Debbie. You sure look like you are enjoying the snow. Good for you :)

Farm Girl said...

very nice. I like how happy you both are in that pretty falling snow.

DIMI said...

Wonderful photos Debbie!!You look so happy!!!Nice song!!!I wish we had snow here!!!Thank you for your comment!!Have a lovely week!!

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh my goodness, this is wonderful, Debbie!!!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

You guys always embrace life with arms wide open!

Montanagirl said...

Ah, you two are having such fun! LOVE it.

Lin said...

what? No flip flops?? ;)

The snow is lovely, isn't it?

Ellie said...

Oh Debbie these are great shots - and it looks like you are having lots of fun :))

Willow said...

This is fantastic !!! How expressive those photos are .
Totally awesome.

Brian King said...

Very cool shots! LOL!

Adrienne said...

Happiness is...Chuck and Debbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You two are too adorable! And he's so fun and such a good sport! You spread joy!!

Kmcblackburn said...

Now THAT is the way to open up and enjoy embracing all the possibilities (even the COLD ones!). You two always make me smile :). Thanks for joining in at Song-ography!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Yes! Embrace that snow! And life. :-)

LeAnn said...

Wow, this was a great song-ography.F Fantastic pictures of the two of you. I can see you are enjoying at least briefly the snow. I love the song that represents to me New Year thoughts.
Thanks for your thoughts back to me. I so enjoy your posts and I mean really enjoy them. Your pictures and adventures always brighten my day.
Blessings to you for this fun one!

Our photos said...

Very cool photos!

Laura. M said...

Joy to welcome the new year!!
In Spain there is a saying that says "snow year, year of property."
Health, happiness and joy for the whole year, Debiie. These are my wishes for you ;)
I love photos!!!
a kiss

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Great way to start the year, Debbie, from another pair of snow lovers.

Anonymous said...

Debbie, your a girl after my own heart- I love the way you play n Chuck is such a good sport!

Michelle said...

I really like this!

Ida said...

Loving how you both embraced the snow with wide-open arms and such joy. You know me though, I'd be inside snuggled up with a nice warm blanket and a cup of hot coffee.

Jenn Jilks said...

Just lovely. Much fun, again!