If you follow my blog, you should remember that I live on a river.
Prior to today, access to the river, on my side of the property was impossible.
The slope was covered in brush and small trees.
We left it that way because we had 2 small boys when we moved in,
leaving it natural and not accessible for safety reasons.
The neighbor to the right of me,
Mr. Mike, has awesome steps that we could use whenever we wanted to go down to the river,
and the boys and I always went together.
Safety first.
Well Mr. Mike moved and those two little boys are 32 & 33 and they don't live here anymore.
We have lovely new neighbors but I was not comfortable asking them if I could use their stairs.
So this happened,
because the hubs wants me to be able to get down there...
there is a lot for me to see and photograph down by the river.
The neighbors were all thrilled and Mr. Gray house man,
at the end of the cul-de-sac,
said bring the machine down on my property,
I have a side driveway and it will be easier for you to get down to the river via my property.
How kind of Mr. Gray house man, he has not lived here long,
and we had never even met him.
It is a wonderful little street on which we live, only 6 of us.

We did well getting it down there, everything went smoothly!
The Bull-dozer is ours,
before retiring, for 35 years, the hubs did site work and underground utilities,
he kept most of the equipment.
And here he is operating it, the man has skills.
He worked all day on Saturday and finished just before the rain started.
You can see my neighbor Bill's property on the left side,
now he is the only neighbor remaining that has not cleared his property down to the river.
The sod is coming next week and our lawn maintenance company will install it.
The jet ski down bottom belongs to my new neighbor to the right,
the hubs gave him permission to park it on our property.
I'm not sure why he doesn't park it on his own property but perhaps he will now.
The grass that's already down there, on our side, Mr. Mike planted,
he used that patch of property as well and we used his steps.
The trees to the right,
hug the property line and give a good sense of what is ours.
We are a friendly group.
And this is going to be a great spot for sledding this winter,
once it's done...I can't wait!!