Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We Got Snow!!

Last night, we got some really pretty snow...the kind it is fun to take a walk in.
When I went to the door, it was freezing and we opted to stay in and watch it through the window. 

In the early morning hours it started to rain and what was left did not amount to much.
More snow is forecasted for this week, I don't care how cold it is, or how I feel...
I am going for a walk!


eileeninmd said...

We had about 2-3 inches of snow overnight.
The trees looks pretty covered with snow.
Enjoy your walk! Take care, have a wonderful day!

Jeanie said...

It IS pretty! But be sure the walks are salted if it rained and then froze. I'm really conscious of this because Sunday I fell on my head on the ice and it wasn't pretty! YOU TAKE CARE!!!

acorn hollow said...

when you walk in the snow it is so quiet. The snow absorbs most of the noise. I love waking it especially at night.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

There is something about snow when it is coming down that is exciting and beautiful. I always loved when it was snowing- not so much afterward.

Marie Smith said...

Enjoy, Debbie. Wish I wasn’t so tired of the cold and snow at this point,

Peg said...

I'm glad that you got some snow, but not too much. It makes everything more beautiful, as long as it's in moderation. It doesn't take much to beautify the world. I'm glad that you have strength enough to want to go outside. Happiness helps, and if it's snow that makes you happy, go for it! Sometimes it takes more than medicine to heal us. Take a snowy step or two on that road to recovery.