Things are a bit quiet right now, with winter and recovering and all.
I am feeling so much better but I have not been out much.
My little brain has started to swirl some ideas around, bucket list items that are winter appropriate.
I want to get out and take some pictures and I want to have some fun.
I have a few ideas...nothing big, just a small step in the wellness, back to normal direction.
In the meantime, I pitter patter around the house, cooking, cleaning, knitting....
I have organized a few areas of the house which I enjoy and at night I knit.
In the morning,
after finishing my "self care" and checking the computer, I usually put together an online puzzle.
The hubs and I play Wordle together almost every day.
Then it is down to work,
yes, I do some work from our home office, we own a bit of real estate and I help the hubs manage it.
Yesterday, during a break from my desk, I took a little shuffle outside.
Yesterday, during a break from my desk, I took a little shuffle outside.
It was sunny and 60 degrees, a beautiful day.
My spring bulbs are starting to make an appearance.
The hubs plants all of them, 500 in total, tulips and daffodils...
I don't know the colors or placement so I am always surprised when they pop up and bloom.
I started my next knitting project...
I am knitting with hand dyed Alpaca yarn, the color is Paisley.
The yarn was dyed by my good friend Liz.
I generally only knit at night, but because I have not been out, I am sneaking in a little daytime knitting.
I wonder around this big ole' house, I don't mind cleaning it, but it can be a daunting task.
I like to organize "spots", organizing is my jam.
I tend to my little indoor garden, watering and cleaning up any dead foliage.
Or maybe it is just a cactus.
I get these 2 magazines every month, but I did not subscribe to them.
I have not ever paid for them and the delivery name and address is mine!
I enjoy reading them, there are a lot of advertisements.
The food and Wine recipes are way over my head, and use way too many ingredients.
I cook most nights but have not been taking pictures.
I have made this twice and it is so good.
It is the Olive Garden copycat recipe, the only change I made was I used sweet sausage.
We are spice adverse.
The recipe calls for spinach and I use spinach, the restaurant uses kale, either would be fine.