Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Haze In The Sky

This is the view out my back window...
Anyone who follows my blog, knows there is a bridge that is usually in view,
today, it is not even visible. 
One would think the fire is here in my town.

Watching our local weather, 
the smoke and poor air quality is a result of the fires in Canada, 600 miles away.

On a bright note, this is the first bloom on one of my Hydrangea Plants.


Karen said...

Sad about the smoke, but your hydrangea is beautiful!

BeachGypsy said...

That smoke does not look good!! Bad fires. Your hydrangea is gorgeous tho! I forgot to post a comment and letcha know how much I LOVED the post about the swans and their sweet babies, a few posts back. You got some great pictures. those babies are SOOOOO adorable! How neat they came right up near you. Animals are so much smarter than we even know. Hope you're having a really good week. Stay in and don't breathe that bad air if possible.

eileeninmd said...

Our skies are looking similar here too, not good air quality.
Your hydrangea bloom is lovely.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Isn't it crazy that that smoke is from so far away? Just think what it must like for those near the fire!

Marie Smith said...

The jet stream is taking the smoke south. It is not near as smoky here, east of Quebec.

Veronica Lee said...

Almost every year, a smoky haze caused by forest fires in our neighbouring country, Indonesia, blankets our skies too.

Your hydrangea is an absolute vision!

Hugs and blessings, Debbie

Conniecrafter said...

you have to be very careful when it is that bad outside, I hear that this weekend there maybe a break from it, must be the wind will be blowing a different direction, hope you get some relief soon, can't imagine what it must be like near the fires.
Your flower is gorgeous, love those colors!