Monday, May 20, 2024

Bits & Pieces...

 We had a couple of rain days and a couple of amazing days, just the right mix.
Those amazing days have been pretty busy.
Remember we visited the Hindu Temple, that was a wonderful day trip.

I finished creating the Summer Bucket List...
with 2 things crossed off already!

The sixth butterfly has emerged, 
and he was happy to take his time saying goodbye...

it was another boy, isn't he beautiful?

We passed this memorial while we were out for a drive,
I'm not sure what the specific theme was but it moved me beyond words.

Our local news station featured this image of a humpback whale 
breaching right off shore in a nearby town for everyone to see, isn't this amazing?
There was a pod of dolphins swimming and playing with the whale.

I have enjoyed...

A breakfast out...

a car show...

and some light knitting.
I am still working on my blanket, and dishcloths I will be donating to 

It's so nice to see the Hibiscus in bloom again...facing toward the sun, it is such a lovely flower.

If you enjoy antique cars, stop by tomorrow, the car show in Chester, NJ was really awesome.


Latane Barton said...

I love the 'bucket list' idea. I make lists and then I change my mind and throw it away. too many things I want to do, not enough time. But, isn't that they way of it always!!

BeachGypsy said...

Yellow hibiscus are my favorite hibiscus--- that bloom is gorgeous! Love seeing the whale!!

Linda said...

I love your bucket lists! I am working on mine now.
Love the variety of yours!

Jean said...

I love your Bucket List! I noticed "Moonstruck" on there - we were just there on Friday evening celebrating our Anniversary! What a fabulous place!! We'll be back, for sure!! Lucky you that you live so close by!
Have fun doing all the events on your list! Jean from Bucks County

Marie Smith said...

That hibiscus is incredible! The list is interesting. I look forward to your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post and photographs.
The butterfly is beautiful and the hibiscus a wonderful colour.

All the best Jan

eileeninmd said...

Hello Debbie,
Love the beautiful hibiscus bloom and your butterfly.
Could the flags be on display for Memorial Day this weekend?
The blanket is beautiful!
Have a great day and a happy week ahead!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's been awhile since I visited your blog, Debbie, but your comment on a fellow blogger's post reminded me to stop in. I like your bucket list since although we live in nashua, NH, now we're both NJ natives and many of these places are familiar. There is a similar flag memorial set up in a park near us in Hudson, NH, and it is indeed moving.

Leanne Coppola said...

So many fun things on the list!!

The Furry Gnome said...

You are going to be busy!

Debbie said...

jean...i would like to email you. if you come back and read this, mine is

Conniecrafter said...

We are starting to get a mix of rain and sun days too so nice to see that sun every once in awhile. Oh wow how exciting to have a whale so close, pretty cool. I wonder if they are getting the flags ready for Memorial day. I know around here if there are places that have a lot they start early to get them all up in time for the weekend.