Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Take Time To Be Free, Like A Butterfly!

I saw this very blue butterfly flying around the yard.

Summer Azure

I had never seen this butterfly before and I was hoping it would land so I would be able to get a picture.
It did...
when it landed, it was not as blue as it was in flight, but I was able to get a picture.
Not knowing this one, I googled away and I was not able to find the name.
I texted friend Liz and she identified it, I can always count on Liz.
My phone identified it as well but I had forgotten that it had that feature, I thought it was only able to identify plants and flowers.
It is able to identify many other things.

I am still releasing butterflies that have emerged from their over winter chrysalis .
I have 2 that have yet to emerge and then we will start the cycle all over again.
I have a lot of dill planted, enough to attract them and then feed them.

I really adore when they hang around for pictures,
sometimes they take off immediately, most times they hang out as we say goodbye.
No one will ever know the pleasure I derive from this hobby...
  watching the process, giving life, nature is indeed a miracle!  

- perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness 
and still become something beautiful -


Danielle L Zecher said...

I love, love, love the butterfly pictures! Butterflies are some of my favorites! Do you raise butterflies? Is that even the right term?

Debbie said...

yes, i raise black swallowtails! if you are interested in the process, i have a feature on my blog where you can "search this blog" "raising butterflies" the information will come up. i raise black swallowtails!!

Marie Smith said...

The photos are spectacular! Your last line perfect!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Butterflies are really beautiful, graceful, and delicate. I always love when they land near me or on occasion they have landed on me. They are truly a delight.

eileeninmd said...

Debbie, your butterfly photos are gorgeous!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Danielle L Zecher said...

Thanks for coming back to my blog and telling me how to find your information on raising butterflies. It is so awesome that you do that!

Rian said...

Debbie, I'll always remember the morning of my BC surgery. I was scared and anxious, etc. But one of my Black Swallowtails emerged that morning and when I released it, I somehow released all my fear about the surgery (not a miracle, but close enough for me).

Alicia said...

Great shots of the butterflies! I'm glad they stuck around for the photos.

The Furry Gnome said...

Butterflies are one of the magical things about summer!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful butterflies.

All the best Jan