Monday, June 17, 2024

At The Inlet

The Point Pleasant Inlet holds a lot of special memories for the hubs and I...if you know, you know.

We went Sunday morning and had these amazing donuts as an early morning Father's Day celebration.
The awesome dad had "Death By Chocolate"...

I had "The Aunt Betty"
These donuts are made fresh, served hot and are sure to put you in a diabetic coma.

I was so surprised and happy to see these junior sailors come by in their sailboats,
they were going out into the ocean to compete in a race against each other,
 I would have to say there were about 25 sailboats.

There were so many dads out fishing and a lot of private boats trolling.

This fish had to go back, it was 1 and 1/2 inches short.

This boat, Andrea's Toy had a beautiful wrap on it.
This was the start to a wonderful day, we had such an enjoyable day together, just the two of us!
Happy Father's Day to the hubs, the most amazing dad I have ever known.


Marie Smith said...

Your boys were fortunate to have such a father. Great photos, as always, Debbie.

Debbie said...

thanks have no idea the dad he was and is to them as men. they were so lucky to have been raised by him!! leading by example, there are none better!!

BeachGypsy said...

Looks like a great day out in the sun and the fresh air! Those doughnuts look so good too!! Sitting down so close on the water in those sailboats, looks scary!! Ha ha LOL

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It was a gorgeous day! What a perfect place to spend it in Point Pleasant Inlet. Been there many times!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely place to spend time ...especially on Fathers Day.

All the best Jan

Rian said...

Wow! Those donuts look fantastic! And a day on the water or by it fishing is a great way to spend Father's Day. I love to fish... or be by the water. DH is not a fisherman, but he sure would have gone for those donuts! Glad you two had such a wonderful day together.

DrumMajor said...

The bay looks lovely. That's a lot of boats. You must have lots of fish there for such big rigs on the charter boat. Linda in Kansas

eileeninmd said...

Hello Debbie,
The donuts looks yummy! You and your hubby had a nice day out, beautiful views. Take care, have a great day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Spending the day at Point Pleasant sounds like a wonderful day speaking as a NJ native. The donuts looked delicious too!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Debbie!

Oh how wonderful your photos are. The donuts look very appetizing. It was a beautiful Father's Day.
Hugs and greetings.

Ida said...

Looks like you had an awesome day. It would have been fun watching the sailboats. Oh and those donuts look to "die for" delicious.

Bonnie K said...

I would be terrified to sail a little tiny boat on the ocean. Thanks for the photos.

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

The Furry Gnome said...

That reminded me of the Sailing School here heading out into Georgian Bay.