Friday, June 14, 2024

InThe Kitchen

I really love a good sandwich for dinner...on it's own, with soup or with any kind of potato.

Caprese Sandwich

Here are the ingredients I used...
- fresh italian bread -
- pesto -
- sliced fresh mozzarella -
- balsamic glaze -
- fresh, juicy tomato -
- fresh basil from my garden -

I brushed both sides of the bread with olive oil, toasted it under the broiler...
then spread one side of the bread with pesto...

fresh basil from the garden and a sliced tomato, not juicy like what I had hoped for.

Fresh mozzarella, balsamic glaze...

all closed up and ready to eat, this sandwich was outstanding and so simple.
This sandwich can also be placed on regular bread and warmed up "grill cheese" style,
we really loved it this way and I will definitely be making this again.
I really lucked out with the balsamic glaze, it was sweet and had a lovely flavor.
I had never purchased this brand before.

The hubs made foil packets of potatoes cooked on the grill, this was my kind of dinner.

I have a total of 6 hydrangea bushes in the gardens and they are all doing very well.
My advice and what I did last year, 
don't prune them and the will magically bloom with hundreds of flowers.

This year, each plant is producing every color.

I have had plenty of blooms to bring inside the house,
and to share with friends and family.


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful hydrangeas!
So many colors is nice to see.
That is a great sandwich! Fresh basil leaves give a sandwich a real boost of pizazz.

Jean said...

Your sandwich looks so yummy and easy to make! Your Hydrangea's are absolutely gorgeous! One of my favorite plants! Have a great weekend! Hugs!!

Marie Smith said...

This month is a great one for blooms and sandwiches! Your blooms are gorgeous!

Danielle L Zecher said...

That looks like the perfect summertime dinner. Your basil looks so good! Something (I think the groundhogs) ate almost all of mine, so I'm not sure I'll be harvesting any.

Your hydrangeas are beautiful! I love all of the different colors.

Leanne Coppola said...

That is one of my favorite sandwiches. YUM. And thank you for sharing your flowers with me. They're very happy with lots of water in the jar!

Alicia said...

Well don't I wish I lived next door to you and got a few of those beautiful hydrangeas!!! They are stunning. I've always wanted to grow hydrangeas but don't have a spot in my yard that faces the right way where they won't get too much sun. That sandwich looks amazing!!! Have a great weekend!

Rian said...

That sandwich does look amazing, Debbie! I'm not familiar with balsamic glaze only balsamic vinegar (which I'm not supposed to have). But possibly a few drops of balsamic glaze wouldn't hurt. And I love hydrangeas... especially blue ones. Maybe I'll try some in partial sun/shade (not sure they will stand the Texas heat).

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Wow, those flowers are beautiful! Nice to see your efforts paying off. The sandwich? I might try it, and then eat all those delicious looking potatoes!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dera Debbie!
Your sandwich is so simple but incredibly tasty.
I also make them very often, they remind me of Italian holidays. Your hydrangeas are beautiful. They are my favorite flowers. They are not blooming here yet.
Have a nice and lovely weekend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There is nothing like a Caprese sandwich with basil, tomatoes and mozzarella and this one looked so good just in your photos 😋

The Furry Gnome said...

Can you come and make me some sandwiches?

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hydrangeas.

All the best Jan

Ida said...

My that sandwich looks tasty. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Mine is doing a brave job of trying to recover from a very cold snap we had in February. I hope it survives and blooms.