Wednesday, June 26, 2024

More From The Farmingdale Enchanted Forest

This is what I wrote on June 20th to introduce you all to this fairy garden/walking path.

"Quite by accident and much to my surprise, 
we stumbled upon this Enchanted Forest in Farmingdale, NJ...but really in the middle of nowhere.
This is a quaint, self guided walking tour through the woods of the town of Farmingdale.
There are dozens of really lovely handcrafted fairy houses, and fun activities for the kids to do.
I have never seen anything like this and what a joy it was to walk through.
There were lights along the trail, they were on, 
but we were there at 7pm, it closes at 8pm making it difficult to see the lights."

Here is what we saw on the second half of the walking path...

- this was a magical adventure -


Danielle L Zecher said...

It's so pretty! I love all of the different little scenes. The butterfly make and take is cute, too.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Finding things by accident are often much more rewarding than knowing they are there. When we know something is there, we go there with preconceived expectations. Suprises are well, surprises and usually delightful!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Certainly coming across the unexpected is wonderful and this Enchanted Forest was certainly a NJ find.

Marie Smith said...

What a great idea for a trail! You’ll have to go when the daylight hours are shorter, Debbie.

acorn hollow said...

What a fun and magical place that is!!!

Kay said...

Wow! This was so much fun! How do they protect everything in stormy weather?

eileeninmd said...

This Enchanted Forest is a great find, the activities for the kids look fun too. Take care. have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Just lovely Debbie, I do enjoy places like this :)

All the best Jan

Conniecrafter said...

It sure looks like an interesting place and they put a lot of work into it too!