Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pink Lemonade

 It's still so hot here, has it always been this hot in early July?
We have been staying indoors a lot, 
in the air conditioning but I would like to get outside more frequently to swim in the pool.
Once I go outside, I start to work in the gardens, weeding and pruning plants, 
it is far too hot for that but I can't help myself.

Looking through the pictures on my phone and camera, I do not have too much to share.

I would like to have one big glass of this Pink Lemonade everyday...

On Saturday, I knit for several hours on the Farmhouse Dish Towel and had to rip the entire thing out.

 Here it is, I don't know if I like my colors,
I made a big mistake, and that is not acceptable to me.
Now I have to decide if I want to try one more time, it was not the first time I had to rip it out.!

It is a great idea to work on a puzzle during this weather.
We finished ours and I took this picture on July 1st.
I think I will break it down now, it is on the coffee table and I am getting tired of looking at our faces.

My Addie girl turned 12 on Sunday...
that is "1/2 of her strawberry ice cream cake".
It's a long story, well it's not really a long story, but it sure is a funny one, and we all had a good laugh!

I have looked at the "Bucket List" for things to do but it is so hot...too hot for anything outdoors.
Tomorrow it is supposed to be 100 degrees, or that might be the "feels like" temperature.
"Feels like" is a little bit new to me...
I don't think they announced a "feels like" temperature when I was growing up!

Everyone stay cool and more importantly, stay happy!


DrumMajor said...

That's a lot of candlelight. I've been waking at 4 a.m., and talking with my garden and watering it as the sun comes up at 6 a.m. Not to bad at that time, but then the humidity kicks in again. Linda in Kansas

Latane Barton said...

You just stay in and stay cool, Debbie. The 'feel like' temp today where I am is supposed to be somewhere around 112 degrees. I had a dr. appt. this morning but I changed it. No way am I going to get out in that!!

eileeninmd said...

Your Addie is growing up fast! I like your puzzle photo very cute!
It is going to be very hot today, high of 96 degrees today.
Stay cool and have a great day!

JoAnna said...

Hello Debbie, it's also very hot here in July, but we also have violent storms that make it very stuffy. I think we experience heat differently as we age.
A nice towel, a puzzle, pink lemonade and beautiful Addie, whom I wish all the best! Best regards, I wish you a few cooler days!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That lemonade looks so refreshing! Still 60's and cold up here.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Debbie!
Your daughter Addie is beautiful. I wish her all the best. The lemonade looks very appetizing. For me the temperature in the shade is 34 degrees Celsius.
I am sending you hugs and warm greetings.

Anonymous said...

A lovely photograph of Addie.
Don't the years fly by!

All the best Jan

Marie Smith said...

It was the equivalent of 106 degrees here yesterday. We aren’t going far these days either. Stay cool, my friend.

R's Rue said...

Stay cool.

Alicia said...

I think we just ended the 17th day of triple digit heat. Yesterday we got to the high 90's and today we are right back to the triples again! Ugh! Love your photos. The one of the pink lemonade would make a great painting! Stay cool!

Soma @ InkTorrents.com said...

The dishtowels are beautiful! I certainly like the colour. Happy Birthday to Addie! We are under heat advisory too. Enjoy your pink lemonade. So refreshing!


Soma @ InkTorrents.com said...

The dishtowels are beautiful! I certainly like the colour. Happy Birthday to Addie! Enjoy the pink lemonade. So refreshing!


Conniecrafter said...

Today our temps fell down to the 80's and we are loving it, of course it couldn't be that way when we had the hardest work of getting all the water out of our crawl space and garage, and taking everything out and drying it out.
I love pink Lemonade but haven't had it in a long time since we are on a low carb diet.
Bummer about the towel, maybe you just need to put it aside for a couple of days and then come back to it.
Hope it cools down for you soon and you can enjoy more time outdoors!