Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Day In Morristown

Having dinner on this refurbished railcar was a once in a lifetime experience.

Afterward, we visited the Frelinghuysen Arboretum only a few minutes away.
This was a huge disappointment, we stayed only a few minutes, took only a few pictures...
and were excited to head to the "Town Square" where we read there were statues and fountains.

The Frelinghuysen Arboretum was nothing like it was pictured online.

Parsley & Chrysanthemum

Globe Thistle



The Tree Slice timeline is pictured below.

Here are the pictures we took at the Town Square...

I thought this clock tower off in the distance
made for a gorgeous picture.

Seward Johnson Statue

This is what the hubs told me to write...
"The plaque mentions George Washington and Alexander Hamilton but omits Chuck...
but I have these pictures to prove he was there."

We had a lot of laughs and this was a super fun day!


eileeninmd said...

Looks like a fun day! I love the flowers!
Cute series of your hubby with the statues!
Take care, enjoy your day!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

We have a lot of Seward Johnson statures in the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. - so lifelike.

Marie Smith said...

So much to see in New Jersey! Great post as always, Debbie.

Jeanie said...

I love the photos, Debbie. I'm sorry the arboretum was disappointing but you got some fabulous photos. And it does look like fun. Love those purple globe thistles -- never seen those before!

Alicia said...

See...artwork should be touched! LOL! Love the photos of your husband posing with the statues, so cool! The Tree Slice is very cool as well, glad you posted the timeline with it! Hope it's not too hot in your neck of the woods. We're supposed to be at 110 today! Had to take mom to the doctor yesterday afternoon in the hottest part of the day...it was miserable!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Debbie!
The most important thing is that you are happy and having fun. Chuck looks great with these big politicians. Beautiful photo series.
Hugs and greetings.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful trip
The clock tower is beautiful.

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful trip

R's Rue said...

I love your photos. They are always beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures from your trip/visit.

All the best Jan

Conniecrafter said...

Bummer about the Arboretum but it ended up being ok because you had a great time in the town square. Greg took pics with me in Springfield IL, they had a statue of Lincoln on a bench and I went and sat next to it like we were having a conversation :). I think us couples are a lot a like :)