Thursday, June 6, 2024

Saying Goodbye To A Butterfly

I'm not sure if you know the evolution of butterflies, 
I have told the story here so many times I am going to fast forward to what happens in the fall after raising and releasing many butterflies all summer.
 Caterpillars go into chrysalis in fall, they maintain that form all winter and 
in the spring, they evolve into a butterfly.
I had 15 chrysalis in a butterfly cage all winter, 9 have opened and been released, 
I have 6 left that I am not sure will do their thing.

Once they emerge from chrysalis, they need about one hour to dry their wings and they are ready to go.
Some fly off quickly, others take their time saying goodbye.

This is a male Black Swallowtail

If they do not fly off quickly,
I place them on a flower until they are ready...
and I can also take my time saying goodbye to them.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


Rian said...

As you know, Debbie, I do this also... or have in the past. It's thrilling to see the caterpillars go into Chrysalis, then emerge into those beautiful Black Swallowtails. Releasing them into the sunshine is so heart-warming. I always say a little prayer that they get to live out their life-span (which on the average is just 10-12 days). Love your pics!

Natasha said...

Hello Debbie,

Oh, my gosh! Such a gorgeous Swallowtails. Loved your post.

We've (my daughter and I) have reared quite a few butterflies too in the past, and tended to one which was born with a deformity. It lived its life to the fullest, I must say. Thought I'll share the link. :)

Have a wonderful week ahead! :)

eileeninmd said...

You are a butterfly whisperer! Beautiful butterfly, it looks lovely on the flower. Take care, have a great day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know you do this...but every time you share your process, I am amazed. How special that is and wonderful. Happy weekend!

Linda said...

Such beautiful colours on the swallowtail. We have had lots of yellow ones in the garden this past week.

eileeninmd said...

Your butterflies are beautiful, I love the flowers too.
I am glad we get to see your butterflies before they are released.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Penelope Notes said...

How fantastic to raise and release butterflies. The one in your hand, slow to go, is a beauty!

RedPat said...

What a wonderful experience that must be. Beautiful shots.

Villrose said...

Wow! And a beautiful Swallowtail!
Wish I saw one here.

Anonymous said...

So very special to do this.
Lovely photographs.

All the best Jan