Saturday, June 8, 2024

It Got, Hot, Hot, Hot...

 It finally feels like summer here at the Jersey Shore, I am not doing a happy dance...
rather a slower than slow, slow dance.
The temperatures reached 90 degrees a day or so ago, and it feels like spring is in the rear view mirror.
The past few days it has been hazy, hot & humid and we got some much needed rain.
We had a "regular" rain day and then one afternoon we had a sun shower that lasted about 10 minutes. 
The sun was out the entire time and there were no visible clouds...
after, friends saw an incredible rainbow but I missed it.

The Bucket List hangs on the frig...
we have checked off 7 fun things but we missed the Chester Craft Show.
It is my favorite craft show and I can't believe we missed it.

The pool is open and the water is crystal just needs to warm up a little.

I saw these goslings roaming around our Costco parking lot.
They are a long way from any water or home I presume.

This Multiflora Rose is growing everywhere here right now.
It is an aggressive plant that given the chance, will take over an entire garden.
I adore the look of it, it is native to Japan, China and Korea.

I order almost everything on line and in this heat I like to remember my delivery drivers.
I worry about them just a little and I enjoy having a surprise treat for them!
The hubs says I am more excited about this then they are.
- perhaps he is right -

Last nights sunset, it was spectacular. 


Marie Smith said...

The sunset was spectacular and so are you!

Rian said...

Debbie, I don't know how you could do all those things on your bucket list. We are not that ambitious... but looks like fun. It's great that you can share them with us here. And I love the idea of leaving snacks for your delivery drivers. That's so nice.

The Furry Gnome said...

I love your bucket list! I need to get more serious about having one, and actually doing what I hope to.

eileeninmd said...

Sorry you missed the craft show. The pool looks inviting.
I love the sweet goslings. It is nice you are thinking of your delivery drivers. The sunset is gorgeous. Take care, have a happy weekend.

acorn hollow said...

I love that you have a list of fun things to do I need a list like that.
Your pool is beautiful. I do not want any hot and humid weather here I do not like that kind of weather.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I was thinking summer in last week's heat and now this morning it is 60 degrees!! but it will warm up ! I love looking at your bucket list because living just an hour a way, I recognize some of the local places. I am assuming the Hindu Complex is the one in Robbinsville, NJ which is spectacular and Peddler's Village is up near me. ! Love your pool and your thoughtfulness for the delivery people.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous sunset.

All the best Jan

Conniecrafter said...

I am with you there, it is in the 90's here now too and I can live without it, some people are just loving it but when it gets this hot and humid I just can't breathe well and get tired so quickly. Bummer you missed the craft show, I haven't been to one in a very long time, maybe since the pandemic. With those hot temps you should be able to swim very soon :)
Hope the little goslings were able to find their parents.
The flowers are so pretty.
You are so sweet to put out goodies for your drivers :)