Friday, November 10, 2023

Wild Bird Seed & Such

Some little rascal jumped on my bird feeder...
the one with suction cups that attaches to my office window, and it broke.
I suspect it was "Junior" the feisty squirrel that lives in my backyard.
He stands on the ground and jumps straight up...
or he sits on the deck railing and flys over...
his prefered method is to get on the roof, fly down, and hope he lands on the feeder.
None of these methods usually work but I guess he got lucky, landed on the feeder, it fell,
it broke and that caused a jackpot on the seed.

We went to our favorite little bird seed shop and got 2 new feeders.
Debby owns and runs the shop.
She is the sweetest woman and has a great selection of feeders, bird houses, seed,
 gifts and so much more.

Here's a peek inside her amazing shop.

- a bird does not sing because it has the answer, it sings because it has a song -


♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Great store with a huge selection of birds.
Have a happy weekend:)

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a great store, lots of great bird feeders, houses and food too.

Take care, have a great weekend!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wow! What a beautiful shop!
Thank you for posting the pictures.
I saw several things I love.

Sorry your feeder is broken.
I heard a bang on my patio window this morning. As yet, I haven't put out bird seed. Some birds!

Marie Smith said...

You have an acrobatic squirrel there for sure. Junior is one determined squirrel.

That is a beautiful store. So many lovely items…it must be hard to choose.

BeachGypsy said...

Very nice shop!-- so many pretty things to pick from. Love all the birdhouses

Kay said...

What a wonderful, fun shop. There are so many interesting things to tempt you.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Woah, what a store! I am sure Barb and I would blow our entire monthly budget there without a problem.

Rian said...

OMG, Debbie, that's a darling shop! I love it. It's good that I don't live close by or I could spend a lot of time and money there.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a wonderful shop, I would love looking around it. Those are sweet bird houses too. I have been thinking about getting one of those windows bird feeders but our squirrels have muscles! They already took down a feeder on our old deck that was screwed into the wood pretty securely, then there are our raccoons 🦝 our new outdoor table seems to be hanging in there. Fingers crossed 😊

Conniecrafter said...

that is a cute shop and she has a lot of collection there to chose from.
That little stinker breaking that, now he will have a mix of glass or plastic with his food. I always thought of getting one of those that sticks to the window, but haven't done it yet!

Lowcarb team member said...

That looks a great shop with a wonderful selection to choose from.

All the best Jan