Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Walking The Reservoir

 We really enjoy the reservoir which is very close to home.
It use to be a sand and gravel pit. 
When it closed and was abandoned for many years, 
the hubs would take the boys here to ride their dirt bikes.
When Mike was home we went around several times, he loves to walk and I used my zingerchair.
These pictures were taken in early September, during one of our walks.
The hubs is having trouble with one of his knees so he sat on a bench and read.

Isn't it funny how a plant can grow out of rocks?

Our reservoir is so clean and beautiful, they always have people on duty to maintain it.
It has benches, gazebos and tables set up so you can enjoy a meal!
Fishing is also allowed.

This is the "Sunset Gazebo"...

sitting here will provide an awesome view of the sunset.

This is the "Sunrise Gazebo"...
sitting here will provide a beautiful view of the sunrise.

It is a lovely and secure walking path with cameras all the way around.


eileeninmd said...

Looks like a pretty place for your walk. Beautiful views of the reservoir, the gazebo and all the beautiful trees! Take care, have a wonderful day!

acorn hollow said...

a clear blue sky kind of day! Perfect for a walk near the water.

DrumMajor said...

Looks like a lovely, easy walking place to be outdoors. Linda in Kansas

Marie Smith said...

Such a lovely setting with great memories!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Debbie :)
What a pleasant looking area with benches, water, green grass, trees for shade as well as two lovely looking gazebos,which is a wonderful idea to see both the sunrise and sunset. The plant growing in the stones is an amazing sight. I like to see them growing out of walls too. it's no wonder you like to go there.

Sorry to learn that. your hubby is having trouble with his kne.I am going to se the surgeon tomorrow about min. I'm also having "e" troubl it just stops
now and again.
All th best

Susie said...

I love the park. But it sure is crazy different times..when you have security cameras around a place meant for relaxing. Always be safe. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

TexWisGirl said...

Really pretty. Chuck, rest as you can.

Rian said...

Debbie, I've said this before, but you live in a really lovely area.

Kay said...

Sigh... You do take the loveliest photos, Debbie.