I love my home...
I received a few comments and emails about having a closer look around...
- so here it is -
Home Sweet Home!!

Coming in - looking back on the front door...
On the wall to the left of the front door
some of my favorite pictures are displayed, gallery style.

The entry way is large with a pretty tile floor.

The entry way leads right to the sunken Family Room..

This is a gas fireplace...with a cool remote,

this is the left side of the family room and it steps up in to the kitchen.

The Kitchen...
these are the original wood cabinets and they are still beautiful, after 32 years.

This side of the Kitchen is open to the family room.

This side has an open doorway to the right, that leads in to the Dining Room,
that we use as our Home Office.

All the beautiful light in the Kitchen comes in through the greenhouse.
We recently replaced all the glass...
and without the bird poop it looks great!!

This is the other side of the entry,
the front door is on the right.
I bought cute knobs in Pier One Imports and attached them to the banister,
making it into a pretty coat rack.
We didn't need one but I really like how it looks!!

Living Room

Living Room looking into the Dining Room/Home Office

This built in cabinet is to the left of the front window.
I have some of my collectables in this one.
The bottom open shelf has scrapbooks and blog books,
also some of my memory jars.

That back wall to the right has mirrors floor to ceiling.
This room has high ceilings, the entire house does.

This built in cabinet is to the right of the front window.
The top shelf has wedding memorabilia on it.
The second shelf is devoted to Scott's childhood memorabilia,
the third shelf is for Michael.
The bottom, open shelf has pictures of the boys from their teen years.

Dining Room/Office

We work in here every day, it needs to be functional and it is.

Downstairs Powder Room
We have a total of five sky lights in the house,
and a lot of windows.
The natural light they all provide is amazing!
One day soon I will show you upstairs, downstairs is prettier!
ps...one thing I forgot to mention, the hubs built this house in 1984, when he was just 25.
He also built our first house when he was just 18.
I received a few comments and emails about having a closer look around...
- so here it is -
Home Sweet Home!!

Coming in - looking back on the front door...
On the wall to the left of the front door
some of my favorite pictures are displayed, gallery style.

The entry way is large with a pretty tile floor.

The entry way leads right to the sunken Family Room..

This is a gas fireplace...with a cool remote,

this is the left side of the family room and it steps up in to the kitchen.

The Kitchen...
these are the original wood cabinets and they are still beautiful, after 32 years.

This side of the Kitchen is open to the family room.

This side has an open doorway to the right, that leads in to the Dining Room,
that we use as our Home Office.

All the beautiful light in the Kitchen comes in through the greenhouse.
We recently replaced all the glass...
and without the bird poop it looks great!!

This is the other side of the entry,
the front door is on the right.
I bought cute knobs in Pier One Imports and attached them to the banister,
making it into a pretty coat rack.
We didn't need one but I really like how it looks!!

Living Room

Living Room looking into the Dining Room/Home Office

This built in cabinet is to the left of the front window.
I have some of my collectables in this one.
The bottom open shelf has scrapbooks and blog books,
also some of my memory jars.

That back wall to the right has mirrors floor to ceiling.
This room has high ceilings, the entire house does.

This built in cabinet is to the right of the front window.
The top shelf has wedding memorabilia on it.
The second shelf is devoted to Scott's childhood memorabilia,
the third shelf is for Michael.
The bottom, open shelf has pictures of the boys from their teen years.

Dining Room/Office

We work in here every day, it needs to be functional and it is.

Downstairs Powder Room
We have a total of five sky lights in the house,
and a lot of windows.
The natural light they all provide is amazing!
One day soon I will show you upstairs, downstairs is prettier!
ps...one thing I forgot to mention, the hubs built this house in 1984, when he was just 25.
He also built our first house when he was just 18.
Your home is truly spectacular!
oh, gosh. Show some pride in your home. Clean the place up, for goodness sake!
(I hate neat people)
I love seeing your home more up close and personal.
So beautiful, Debbie. You and Chuck? A match made in Heaven.
Together, y'all have created an oasis. I love it.
looks amazing
This place would give Buckingham Palace a run for it.
your living room looks as if it were pulled out of a magazine!
so beautiful! i love the furniture and the fireplace....
you have a charming home! thanks for sharing :))
god bless!
Wow. What a beautiful place to live. I don't know if I would want to go anywhere.
I love your downstairs house tour. I can't wait for an upstairs tour and could we have an outside garden tour with your view of that river and all of that stuff Chuck did with that hill? I bet its beautiful too. I love your house Debbie and it is just perfect. I think it looks so inviting.
I am so impressed that Chuck built it and built your first house when he was 18!! That is just so cool.
It is nice when you can live in the house your husband built. I think that is why it would be hard for me to leave mine. Ron put so much of himself into our. It becomes more than a house don't you think?
Thank you so much I really enjoyed this tour.
Oh yes, Chuck is a keeper! But, then so are you. :)
Hi Debbie!:)When I first saw your new shutter clip board, I thought, A place for everything, and everything in it's place. Just lovey!:) Now I have seen more of your home, I can see why you are so proud. You have a beautiful home Debbie, and all the more cherished because it was built by Chuck, and through you sharing your photos, we can all see that you are still very much in love. Thank you for the tour, I really enjoyed learning a little more about you.
ps Love your bird collection!:)
Hi Debbie, your home is beautiful! Lovely decorations, looks very cozy and welcoming! That is awesome your hubby built your house!
Have a happy day and weekend!
Wonderful tour of your wonderful home!!!!
And how great, that your husband, is so talented. Yessss!!!!!
I notice all the glass-open-to-the-outside.... What lovely natural light, you get.
Thank you!!!!!! For your house tour!!!!
Luna Crone
Thanks for the tour. You do have a lovely home.
Your home is beautiful -- thanks for the fun tour!!
Many thanks for the tour.
You have a beautiful home.
All the best Jan
PS Have a great weekend
Such a beautiful. Spacious home, built with love.
As I've said before, you have a very beautiful home! And a very accomplished hubby!
Beautiful and so clean....nothing laying out and everything in its place. I would drive you nuts! Loved the pic of the hot air balloons. One of my fav things since I was a teen, that and clowns. Yep, I am one of those freaks that things clowns are cool! LOL....and then I am a total Wizard of Oz fan. So with the bright colors of the balloons, the funny of clowns and Oz....I still live in a childhood fantasy place! LOL
Wow, I loved that you showed photos of your lovely home. You really do have some lovely decor. I covet your kitchen; it is awesome. I also love your home office; it's perfect. We have a small family room downstairs that I would like to make into a large office. Right now we have two bedrooms upstairs that we have turned into our offices. I would like to turn them back to bedrooms.
I especially love your built in cabinet with your wedding and children memories; loved that idea.
I think all your windows and light is awesome. Our home in Spokane had lots of windows and it helped so much with seasonal depression.
Loved this one! Sending loving thoughts your way and hugs too~
Very beautiful house, cozy place to live!!
You have an absolutely beautiful home - love the openness of the space and the insertion of love and family throughout. Thank you for sharing.
Debbie your home is beautiful! It exudes warmth and the love you have for your family and home. I hope things are going well with you. Hugs! Bonnie
How lucky to live in a home designed by your Hubs! Just the way you wanted it.
My youngest daughter's husband designed their home when he was 20. They had it built in 2003. It was gorgeous. Why they left it and moved to New Jersey is beyond me, but they are building another mansion there too.
Debbie, your home is so beautiful.
You can see all of the love that went into each room.
Thank you for taking us on this tour.
Have a wonderful weekend!
How cool, your hubby built a beautiful home, all the sky lights would be wonderful, I love having natural light coming in, especially in the winter time when it is more dark. Your living room looks nice and comfy as do your dining room chairs, love the big window you have to see the birds.
My father in law built 3 houses and a boat in his lifetime, it's amazing when you can live in something that was built by your own hands :)
A gorgeous home it is! Wow!
Just beautiful. I love the picture gallery, and the cute knobs that make a coat rack. Wow, your kitchen cabinets look like new. What a great work space, and so much light--and beautiful views outside, too.
Thanks so much Patti, I love my home and enjoyed sharing it here!!
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