Friday, August 11, 2023

Up, Up & Away

 New Jersey has a Hot Air Balloon Festival every year, the last weekend in July.
It is on our Bucket List every summer, and we go every year.
There are 2 launch times for the ascension of balloons, 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.,
we almost always go to the morning launch of over 100 balloons.
We went this year on Sunday morning and they announced that it was too windy for the balloons to fly,
what a bummer, I was so disappointed. 
We thought about going back for the 7 p.m. launch, but the festival is 1.5 hours from home and there was no guarantee the balloons would go up.

I have a lot of pictures saved on my computer, so I decided to share some from past years with you today.

The festival not only features hot air balloons, 
but also includes music concerts at night.
A Five K Run on Sunday, 
lots of rides for children and a lot of vendors,
both food and hand crafted items.
All of the sponsors have booths set up, 
handing out free samples of their products.

Here we are this year, no balloons, 
but it's still a lot of fun!

Have you ever gone on a hot air balloon ride?
The hubs and I have gone twice.
You can read about and see pictures from one of the rides here.


eileeninmd said...

The hot air balloon festival sounds fun. Sorry it was too windy for them to fly. They are all a pretty sight to see, in the air and on the ground.
Cute photo of you and your hubby. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Debbie!
Fantastic balloon festival. You and your husband look beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.

Ida said...

What wonderful pictures of the balloons. I loved them all. No, I've never gone up in one but want to someday. - I understand about being disappointed when they aren't able to launch. We had that happen here on one of the days from this years Balloon Stampede. You can read that post here if you'd like.

Marie Smith said...

We could have gone in a hot air balloon in central Australia but my husband wouldn’t go. I wouldn’t go without him so the opportunity slipped by. No regrets though. It wasn’t in the cards. We saw such a festival in Ontario one year. Loved it!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have the beautiful memories; thanks for sharing those. Your pictures really captured the color and fun! Still, it is a bummer to plan an event and that happen. (I remember when we drove to Cape Canaveral from our Florida place to see a space launch -- we were on the bus to the photo area when the launch was cancelled because of weather ... no guarantee when it would be able to go. You don't want to see an accident of course, but you can't help being disappointed..

Susie said...

Debbie, I love the hot air balloons. You got some great pictures. We have a couple around our area. I have not seen them since moving to town. In the country more sky to see farther makes a difference. Glad you saved your photos. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lowcarb team member said...

Shame it was too windy for the to fly whilst you were there.
Great photograph of the two of you.

All the best Jan

PS I haven't been up in an air balloon.

DrumMajor said...

SO beautiful. The one time I had a chance for a free balloon ride, while working for a local theme park, I overslept. Poo. Linda in Kansas

DeniseinVA said...

This is an exciting event and your photos are fantastic! And of course I love seeing you and Chuck in the last photo. You two are pretty fantastic also :)

Ruth S said...

We went to New Mexico to the Hot Air Ballon Festival on a camping trip. I went up in a balloon and it was fantastic. It was so quiet you could hear people talking on the ground. Crossed that off my bucket list!

Conniecrafter said...

Bummer you missed them this year, I know the first time we ever went to one it was canceled because of the weather but we still enjoyed seeing them lit up at night and standing for a little while until the bad weather started coming our way. No I have never and will never get into one, I don't do well with heights at all.