Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Grass Is Always Greener

on the other side of the fence.

Or is it?? This grass looks really green...

so is it greener, on the other side??

We all need a friend, to enjoy the green grass with!!

I took these photo's on September 21, 2011
as Chuck and I were coming home from our evening bike ride!!

I thought about how wonderful it is
to have someone to share my green grass with!!


Jill said...

These shots are adorable! I'll share my green grass with you anytime!

Anonymous said...

Great shots, Debbie.
I saw lots of goats on my trip. I took several photos and actually found a new appreciation for these little guys. :)

Susan said...

Cute goats. My experience is that the grass is never greener on the other side. But to have a friend would be great!

Bonnie said...

Fabulous pictures! I love the way you used them. It is nice to have someone to share with. Hugs! Bonnie

Dawn said...

I always the grass is greener on the other side...until I get over there:)

Rose said...

Only you can decide which grass is greener! It all looks the same to me...

Leenie said...

What handsome healthy-looking animals. They could win a blue ribbon anywhere. We can learn a lot from them...keep looking for better but enjoy sharing. Or something like that. ;oD

Nancy said...

What kinda grass are we talkin' about, Debbie? Oh, Kentucky Blue -- it's nice to share with a friend. :)

Great photos -- although the eyes on a goat kinda creep me out for some reason.

Ellie said...

Such cute pictures. The ones with the goat under the fence is great. Dinner for 2 is always better lol.
Why do we always think the grass is greener on the other side because it rarely is.

TexWisGirl said...

the photos are cute, but your sentiment is sweeter. :)

Farm Girl said...

really nice pictures and really a nice picture of the goats.

Lisa Gordon said...

They are absolutely adorable Debbie.
I just love that first shot!

Kerri Farley said...

What a sweeeeet post!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop giggling over this one. What an adorable set of photos!!! I'm so glad you shared your green grass with all of us!!! :=}

krayolakris said...

So cute! And a lesson for all of us!

Tammy said...

Awww...so sweet.

A dark chocolate deer, huh...hmmm, I don't think I ever have seen one.

Adrienne said...

First of all, love the sweet sentiment about sharing our grass with a friend! AND think the 'grass is greener' shot would make a great card!

grammie g said...

Hi Debbie...a very cute post..I love those goat's!!
You are very lucky to have that someone to share with...never forget that!!


grammie g said...

Hi Debbie...a very cute post..I love those goat's!!
You are very lucky to have that someone to share with...never forget that!!


Bev said...

That is just too funny!!! Great capture.

Dianna said...

Great pictures....and analogy!

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

That's so precious. You did not notice, though, that very special blade of grass that was right there... right there on the other side of the fence. The goat did.

Yes, sharing our fortune of green grass is the best part of a full table!
Love ya.