Monday, August 26, 2024

The Never Ending Sweater...

 I go away with my knitting girlfriends, they are all my "friends", every October for a knitting festival,
When you attend the festival, you are suppose to wear a sweater that you have either knit or crocheted.
I am not a sweater knitter but this year I was determined to wear a sweater that I knit.
I started it in January, plenty of time, right, 
 and was doing really well until I hit the hard part around the neck.
I had made several mistakes and knew it was time to bring in a professional, Leanne.
I scheduled a lesson and she helped me so much and I was back on track, at least I thought so.
I need to make this long story short, I have had a host of problems, I had to bring in another helper,
the very lovey Mandy....

But I think I am advancing with confidence!

The top is straight, it just curls when you lay it down.

I have this book where I record when I start and finish a project,
 I also include a strip of the yarn!

This shows the fun detail seam up the front and back, so far so good, it's straight.

My knitting teacher designed this logo for the festival and it won.
It is on the website and will be featured on all the signs, the program and all the gear...
bags, mugs, tee shirts, sweatshirts, pins...
This is her second win, her logo won 2 years ago.

I am so excited, less than 8 weeks to go...I may be wearing a vest!


Leanne Coppola said...

It's so good!!!! You're almost there....come over if you need help :)

eileeninmd said...

Your sweater is looking good, it feels good when you know you are advancing. The logo for the festival is really cute! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Marie Smith said...

The sweater looks beautiful! You’ll have that done for sure!

DeniseinVA said...

That's exciting Debbie and I admire your stick-to-it-ness. It looks beautiful, will look beautiful! Love the logo for the festival too. I look forward to the day you take a photo for us of you wearing it.

DeniseinVA said...

Also meant to say what a great idea recording everything and leaving a string of wool that you used.

Conniecrafter said...

so glad you are able to get some help with your sweater, I never have made a sweater myself.You may want to keep it a vest, unless it decides to really cool down between now and then :). So fun to have something to look forward to going to!