Thursday, February 15, 2018

Forcing Paper-Whites...

Something I do and look forward to every year, 
forcing paper-white bulbs indoors...bringing the scent and joy of Spring inside.

I use this same pot every year.

I use stones but you can use soil.

I am glad I saved this from years past, 
as the bulbs I ordered this year did not include any instructions.

All 10 bulbs are healthy and are already starting to sprout.

Several of the bulbs were doubles.

I ordered these on Amazon, because I can't drive, I try to take care of as much as I can on line.

My Basil was long and leggy, and just down right sad, 
so I restarted it with seeds from my old plant.

And my trusty old Cyclamen is in bloom with 5 flowers.
I have had this plant forever and it never fails to produce some beautiful flowers!


baili said...

thank you for this one
was not aware of such kind of plantation Debbie!

looks so charming with neat peebles :)

loved the artistic mode of your photography and your flower is GORGEOUS!!!

Anvilcloud said...

I think it's wonderful that you have these rites for the passage of winter, or to help it pass, at least.

Marie Smith said...

I’ve never put bulbs in stones! Thanks for he tip!

Jackie See said...

Good morning Debbie, that is a beautiful flower pot, I can’t wait to see them in bloom! I need to take another look at Amazon deliveries. We live way out in the country, with no town address. So the UPS drivers have a hard time finding us. Lol The wind is blowing today but yesterday I was able to plant a row of peas in a south facing bed. have a greatfull day!

Changes in the wind said...

Love this post....

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Sally said...

Maybe if I tried that, perhaps the grasshoppers wouldn't find a way into the house. :)

You do so many things that I envy, Debbie!


Ruth Hiebert said...

You are so good at getting plants to grow.Waiting to see the progress of the Paperwhites.

Danielle L Zecher said...

That's a good idea. I'm not sure if my cats would let me do it, though. I hope you enjoy your flowers.

Sue (this n that) said...

I look forward to your yearly Paperwhites Debbie - always lovely to see.
Didn't realise that Cyclamen could be so long lasting... it's a very happy plant :D)

Karen Lakis said...

I love the scent of paperwhites! I order a lot online, also - but mostly because I don't care much for shopping and I'm otherwise lazy that way :-)

Conniecrafter said...

Your paperwhites always look lovely, it looks like you have a great sunny spot for them too :) So nice to start spring off early in your home. I am hoping to start some seeds in the house this year, we will see if that really happens :)

LeAnn said...

I love how you start your paper-whites bulbs. I didn't know you could use stones instead of soil. I love learning about indoor planting from you. Your tutorial photos are awesome. Your Cyclamen is lovely. I do have one Lily plantin my home that I have had for years. I guess I'm not a total loss in the plant world.
Blessings and hugs for all your great ideas!

21 Wits said...

This always has amazed me and I think you've convinced me to give this a try!

Lisa Gordon said...

I forced some paper whites right around Christmastime, and got a wonderful surprise...they were double paper whites! I did not know that there was such a thing, but indeed there are. They were really beautiful, but definitely did not have the strong fragrance like the usual paper whites. I kept the bulbs in the hope of forcing them again later this year.

I have a really old Cyclamen too. They say that it's hard to get them to bloom again, but mine blooms almost year-round. My husband actually found some seeds on it late last summer so we planted them, and now we have lots and lots of little Cyclamen! :-)