Friday, March 21, 2025

The Emu & Six

As I have mentioned in previous posts, 
this area of New Jersey is home to both farms, open spaces and pristine beaches.

This "Emu" farm I pass in route to Arrow Acres Alpaca Farm, where I learned to knit.

I can't be certain how many Emu call this farm home, if I had to guess I would say maybe 10.
The Emu are a large, flightless bird native to Australia. 
It is the second largest bird in the world, standing 5'7" tall and weighing between 125 - 140 pounds.

I knew one the farms residents was sitting on a nest of eggs, 
and I really wanted to see them.
Each time I visited, mom or dad were sitting on the nest.
But eventually my determination paid off 
and after much coaxing and praise, she finally lifted up to show me her soon to be babies.
The eggs were such an unusual color to me.

One sitting on the eggs, I suppose momma...

while pappa keeps close guard over the area.

Emu's can be very aggressive, these 2 were not...they are farmed for their meat, leather and oil.


Jeanie said...

Fabulous photos. Those eggs are absolutely gorgeous!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love that last shot and wow, the eggs are stunning. What a pretty pile of eggs.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I was not fully awake when I saw that first picture and it took me a second to register what it was. Those eggs are huge! Do they sell them or let the birds hatch them? Seeing how they are sitting on them, I guess they let them hatch. Love that last picture, great detail!

DrumMajor said...

So, does your region have emu burgers in restaurants? Are they sold like chickens and turkeys? Linda in Kansas

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos. I didn't know emu's have blue eggs. Have a nice weekend !

Rian said...

great photos, Debbie.
Also, thanks for your kind comments on my last blog. For some reason the site wouldn't let me reply to you. I tried several times.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Debbie :)
Great selection of photos Debbie, especially the close up of the Emu head. The eggs look enormous and soon there will be baby Emu's for you to photograph please Debbie.
All the best

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful pictures! Those eggs are so pretty.
Thank you

BeachGypsy said...

Neat thing to see--- emus!! Wow those eggs are BIG, and a pretty color. I hope you get to see the BABIES when they hatch out!!!

Marie Smith said...

Those eggs are a gorgeous colour. Leave it to the birds to create such beauty!