
Friday, March 5, 2021

My Favorite Places To Go

 If I were able to travel right now, and visit places I have been to before, where would I go?
Here's a list of those places, one picture from a prior visit, 
and following each place is a blog post about one of our visits there!

Longwood Gardens

Hershey, Pa.

The Sagamore, Lake George

 Mohank Mountain House - Upstate New York 

Mystic Connecticut - Mystic Seaport 

Cape May, New Jersey

Niagara Falls - Canada

Lancaster, Pa Hot Air Ballon Ride

Gaylord National for ICE

Cherry Blossom Festival & Parade

And last but certainly not least...

Arrow Acres Farm

I want to see my knitting friends and the Alpaca!

Wishing you all a bright, bright sunshiny day!


  1. Hello Debbie,
    I love all these places you've been, beautiful photos. Your Mystic photo and the alpacas are a few of my favorites. But, they are all lovely. Take care, have a happy day!

  2. These are incredible photos. My favourite is the first because of the colours!

  3. Great photos - I remember most of these places! Hope you can get back to some of them this year.

  4. Wow, you've been to lots of great places! I would really like to take my family to see New York City and upstate New York, Seattle... These have been on my list to get to, and I even had tickets to NYC last year, but unfortunately that seems to be where all the mayhem and destruction are, now. I love your photos, you have captured all your travels well. And what a beautiful Guernsey Wrap!

  5. Amazing photos of all the great places you have been! The hot air balloon ride must have been so fun! The only place I've been to here is Niagara Falls - many years ago. Love the sea-glass photo x K

  6. Oh, what lovely, cheery photos on this very cold and windy day! Thanks so much for sharing!💖

  7. Beautiful images and I am sure you have a heart full of wonderful memories .

  8. Such wonderful memories and I am sure it won't be long and we will be visiting these places once again :)

  9. Gorgeous photos. Lucky you to have visited them all. I think Mystic, Connecticut would be somewhere I'd like to go.

  10. All wonderful... but the Cape May pic is my favorite!

  11. Oh, The Places I Will Go - Wonderful Photo Of The Two Of You - Stay Strong


  12. Lovely photographs.
    Lovely places.
    Lovely memories.

    Here's to visiting places again during 2021.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh, my dear friend, you have had so many lovely adventures and I have loved them all. Many of the photos, I remember you sharing the moments. I really like The rainbow in your trip to Niagara. Then of course, I love the photo of the two of you.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!
