Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Homemade Pizza

 This story is about homemade pizza but first I must give the backdrop details.
I sent the hubs to Costco, to get a chicken, and he came home with a chicken and a box of 4 "pizzas".
He said he had sampled the pizza in Costco and it was amazing.
He always falls for the ole' sample trick...
before he left I told him no samples, people are sick...
don't go and look like you are there to have samples for lunch. 
- he made false promises -

Back to the pizza, what the nice woman handing 
out the pizza samples did not tell him was that you only get the pizza dough, no toppings or sauce.

Next stop, our local food store to get the rest of the ingredients.

Chopped and diced...

I cooked the sausage first and I probably did not have to.

Time for assembly...

the hubs was all in, and very serious I might add.

When he was done, it looked like a work of art.

Topped with cheese...and ready for the oven.

You have to bake it on parchment paper, which we did.
It came out looking like this...

It was delicious!


Marie Smith said...

You’ve helped me decide on lunch for tomorrow! Thank you, Debbie. Great photos, as always.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a good looking pizza - after you added all the toppings!

DrumMajor said...

That looks tasty. Now I'll need to try some of that pizza rolly doughy. Certainly less cost than local pizza. Linda in Kansas

Jeanie said...

Well, it looks delicious to me! And much better than Dominos or Little Ceasars!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, that pizza looks incredible! Well done to your hubs :)

Rian said...

Looks delicious, Debbie!

The Happy Whisk said...

Nothing like a good homemade pizza. There really is something wonderful about a good bake. I also love that shape for pizzas. So fun!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Debbie,
Your pizza does look delicious! Take care, have a wonderful day!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

OMG, that looks amazing! We make them once in a while, but now I am craving it.

Kay said...

Uh oh... I wrote a comment yesterday and I don't see it. It could be in your spam box. However, your pizza looks amazing!

Conniecrafter said...

I had to laugh how the samples got him, don't they always :) I am a bad girl because I would have put on twice that amount of cheese, but it does look good for sure!