
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Veterans Tribute Park

We drive past this small park every time we go to Spring Lake and have never noticed it.
Veterans Tribute Park
The people of this community are eternally grateful for the many sacrifices of 
America's Armed Forces
Veterans Tribute Park is dedicated by the people of Spring Lake Heights 
with respect, gratitude and honor for the men and women, past and present, 
who so admirably served America in wartime and peacetime.
This park also pays tribute to the 
police, fireman, first responders and all who volunteer their time and energy to 
Spring Lake Heights

It is such a sweet little park, we walked around it on Sunday.
Such a great tribute!


  1. Isn’t it wonderful to get out and about now to enjoy the beginnings of Spring! To be able to take walks and not worry about dressing warm! Thanks for sharing your walk with us. So peaceful.❤️

  2. Beautiful and serene by the look of it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. ... and - I have a fireman in the house.

  4. Nice little park with pretty daffodils. I LOVED the beautiful blooming trees in yesterday's post--those fluffy pink ones are just magnificent aren't they? Cherry, dogwood, plum, pear, redbud, crabapple--- I have trouble telling them all apart but all the spring blooming trees are so pretty

  5. This park is certainly a great tribute.

    All the best Jan

  6. There are probably hundreds of these little unknown parks out there that we drive by every day. Someday we'll have to stop and see a few ourselves.

  7. Good tribute. Our Daffodils are only up 3-4".

  8. Debbie, As always... beautiful photos. I hope things are going well with you. Bonnie

  9. What a great little park. It is so nice to see some sunshine, green grass, and flowers. Thanks for sharing.


  10. Must be a nice Spring walk and a beautiful tribute to the veterans

  11. Hello,

    It is a beautiful park and a nice memorial for the veterans.

    Take care , have a great day!

  12. Hello Debbie :=)
    It is a small but lovely little park with flowers, and colourful benches for a quiet time of reflection, and it's a wonderful tribute to the veterans.
    All the best.

  13. It does look like a very nice park, always good to have tribute parks, especially for the families of the people.
    we have a new park here they just made on a corner for the soldiers, but it is very small, not as nice as yours.
