
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Just Another Sunday Drive

 We take them all of the time, a nice quiet Sunday drive...
most of the time, it's not on a Sunday.
A Sunday drive to me, is about the speed of the car and the conversation,
pulling over so the car behind you can pass you.
This Sunday drive was on Sunday, we stopped a few times, I could have stopped 1000 times.
The trees, the daffodils and the tulips, beauty that will take your breath away!

- happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower, and draws all good things toward you -


  1. Oh goodness, Debbie. So very beautiful. I love your drives.


  2. From the way you describe a Sunday drive, I take them often and any day of the week. These pictures are beautiful. I was thinking of you today. I know you get books printed and I just got my first printed book. My son and I designed one with photos from Jake's model railroad. I used a company called MixBooks and am very happy with the results.

  3. Not an ordinary drive at all!! Such beauty!!!!

  4. Spring is my favorite Tim’s of year.

  5. Beautiful sights to see and I'm glad they put up the sign.

  6. What beautiful photographs ...
    I like the sign by the tree :)

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh that looks like it was an amazing drive and a beautiful day, don't you just love how spring gives us an amazing show! our weekend ahead looks like rain all weekend so we won't be taking any drives this weekend.
